
"Understanding The Exquisite Balance Of Life" Answered Many Questions

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Leo's latest video has answered many questions for me, one of them is the eternal question: To act, or not to act. 

I was faced with this dilemma for ages and living here in Iraq where nothing makes sense, and if I would to act or speak up, it could either lead to a revolution, or leads to my own death.

Yet listening to what Leo says, I now has what resembles a road map, and I believe I'll be able to reason well when it comes to this issue.

It also answers in an indirect way the question of whether you should try to create peace in your own little bubble and avoid conflict at all cost, or trying to run towards conflict and become an active part on them. In the later case, it is wiser to try to know how the world works, and how games work instead of jumping towards a conflicts without any knowledge and hurting yourself.



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