
Kundalini - Easy Explanation

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I'm 4 months into Kundalini. Before I was interested for over 20 years (im 38) in science of body and many other topics. So this is really simple theory what Kundalini is (and im 95% confident it is approximation of true). And it is not anything strange. (looking from perspective I had K episodes whole life and Im sure everybody had the same)

Kundalini is just better ability of body to produce electric impulses that can be used by the brain for neuroplascity, perception and whatever body can use it for. 

- brain needs electric impulses to learn (neuroplasticity) to perceive, to think and do live in general  
- when you are young you need them more as you dont know anything, everything is new
- imo everybody has Kundalini when they are young
- but then we live in this very organized world where you dont need to learn on daily basis new stuff
- so body can often go into energy saving mode 
- on the other hand we live in a concepts world, often contradictory contepts
- on one hand your organism want to behave in optimal way for itself, on the other it is learn via concepts that it should not behave in optimal way. That it should adjust to concepts that are not optimal. So the more energy for thinking you have the more you suffer. So those people that did not get lost too much K usually will have some problems - with alcohol and eating (weakening your body from produce too much electricity)
- on the other hand some people that did not lost it, and were not atached to too much concepts can be very successful. Like Da Vinci or Schwarzenneger 
- sometimes K will awaken spontanously in  - you can get kinda enlightened (like Tolle - look at his eyes, moving like in REM state - typical for strong Kundalini), you can get crazy - more power to suffer, you can write Rocky suddenly out of nothing
- why it will awake and not gradually rise? because there are multiple condition in body that have to be met, thats why it is not linear process
- how thats work? your body produce electricity that is send in nerves. It is the orgasm path. When you have orgasm electricity from whole body is going in one shot from the spine base (where it is meeting from the body) into the brain. During Kundalini it happends but of course at lower scale. But continously.
- imo my opinion during REM state, body works in kind of K way. REM is actually bigger neuroplascity that is used to unlearn bullshit (there are already scientific theories on this) so the organism can function. 

- when it awakens first what you notice (at least me) - you perceive better. Everything looks like double HD, you hear higher sounds, you smell better. World looks really nice and it is really beautiful to just walk and experience the world. Tolle was taking about it, Adyashanti was talking about it.  You have a lot of insights too. Everything is  more obvious - you just connects dots better.  

- in spiritual circles they call it snake energy too. The electricity goes via spine nerves. And sometimes it is so strong that it makes spine muscles to contract - if feels like snake on the back. Especially when you lay down

Why K is important? The more neuroplastic you are, the easier to change the structure of the brain (eg if you want to get enlightened faster). It is simple. And K is natural so your body knows what it is doing and can coordinate all the processes in the body easier. 

Are there side effects? A lot. It is risky, you change overnight. Which is good if you want to get enlightened because you can see that you are not who you think who you are. You can just change like that.. There are a lot of risks actually. Im sure that there is a lot of spontaneous awaken people in mental hospitals. You have energy that can be used for bigger ups and bigger downs. So it requires even more work than before. But it is beautiful. 

So of course it is very simplicistic explanation. But I dont like to write:) Anyway if someone has any questions let me know.

Research should be done on that. Carl Jung was doing it.  Itzhak Bentov was doing it but died in plane crash. 

Edited by bigzbigi

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@Evilwave Heddy continuous ability of the brain to manage the process  of geting and to using  electrical impulses generated in the whole body. 

Edited by bigzbigi

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Blockages - chakras in spiritual circles

My take

Brain coordinate whole body's working mechanism. It sends nervous signals, it receives it and it coordinates everything. It wants to do in optimal way. Brain wants to work simple and easy. So it finds a ways to do it, it try to finds similarites about stuff and work on it as it has less stuff to think obout this way (brain do not see separations, just variability in fractals). On some level everything you perceive (in nautre) is combination of fractals, something that is perfect, symmetrical, optimal. Clear brain is organised to reflect that. When the brain works in optimal way it governs impulses signaling process optimally. Is some places in body, flowing impulses cause some electromagnetic formations to form. Like 7 main charkas. But there are much, much more of those formations (actually it is continuous formation on basic level). So when brain works in optimal way those electromagnetic fields have some shape. It seems that they are rotating. Actually i saw third eye chakra rotating. It looks like some rotating field, kind of plane engine plates rotating - i mean it is probably very fast, but you see it like a kind of slow. 

So when your brain do not work well, you do not have those rotations I guess. And those chakras (rotations) correspond to various brain functions. So probably when some part of the brain,  that throat chakra is reflection of signaling, do not work well, that can mean you have too many concepts (unoptimal, neural network of the brain structure) related with those functions

In my opinion you should work a lot of concepts related with issues that they connect to throat chakra problems. What I was doing

- for 2 months before that happened i was meditating 1 hour a day
- i was contemplating my concepts a lot
- i was doing every day walks in nature (i live by the forest) and walking meditation. When you observe nature brain is learning natural patterns. Acturally perceving is ongoing process of learning. 
- i spontaneously stopped eating meat - i think digesting meat is very energy consuming process and this is big concept of need to kill animals to be fine
- i in general dropped a lot of concepts about bacis stuff in this civilization 
- this will sounds naive but try to be honest with yourself with everything and love yourself. You can even say it to you. 

Sorry that it is not that precise but I do not know you. I do not even know myself that well:)

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@bigzbigi Thanks again. That actually makes more sense to me than ancient views on chakras, nadis or kundalini. Perhaps because I have a science background and know electricity and brain well (as concepts ;) ).

The idea of chakras as rotating electromagnetic fields, generated by electric impulses in nerves is really interesting. Its new for me. So thanks, I got something new to think about. The first thing I immediately thought was - it should be possible to measure those field in real time using SQUID arrays. If you plot those measured quantities on an X-Y graph, you'd visualize a chakra. If that can be done, it will be revolutionary.

I've had a very painful blockage in throat, which is easing gradually. Especially, it started healing when I started to write down my concepts (You are right about it, I have too many in my mind). Writing down helped to throw out the useless concepts, but I still have many. What you wrote is precise enough, except perhaps self-love. I've exactly reverse issue, too much self-love, not enough love for others :D . I'm working on it.

About eating habits, my body would spontaneously vomit out any meat etc. Later I'd vomit eggs too and milk was not digested. I never thought it had anything to do with my practice, but when my practice peaked, all those symptoms went worse. These days I can't eat stuff cooked in the same pan in which meat is cooked. I'm hypersensitive somehow. I hope it won't last. I'm learning that others also have such odd aversions (or longings, some people start eating meat), and now it makes perfect sense why traditional practitioners are told not to eat meat.

Anyhow, now I sometimes experience blockage in head too. Full head. The "heat" or pressure tries to exit through ears, it won't flow up. Do you have any advice on that?

Another question - chakras closely correspond to endocrine glands (pituitary, pineal, thyroid and so on). What do you think is the reason?


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SQUID - nice idea. Maybe we could write to some place where they have it to measure it.  I'm sure it can be measured in near future. And yes it will be revolution because modern medicine sucks but soon they will have to admit it. 

Main chakras are where most nervous signaling happends i guess. And glands are second comunication system after nervous. As they produce hormones to make comunications on chemical level of organism. So where there is most comunication there is most going on. Most comunication on chemical level->most comunication on electrical level->most electromagnetic field. And crown chakra is the bigest of course as it is because of brain electromagnetic activity. 

Yes blockages in body are possible too of course. I had big blockage there because of some spine problem (i felt tremendous tension in neck while meditaing). Meditation posture is very important, I feel the difference in energy flow depending on how i position my neck. And I went 2 times for 3 hours jivaka massage - it is supposed to help if there are blockages in body - it was before my major first energy situation. And I started sleeping on the mat - soft bed is not good for the spine really. It was like with food, i just felt i should do it. So posture, massage and sleeping, that things i can reccomend. Im using also some supplements to protect neurons - cdp choline - i noticed it help with brain fog. And it is supposed to protect from neurotoxity. I use also n-acetyl cysteine (with some juice or water as it is acidic). Also protecting from glutamate toxicity. Just in case...And Kril Omega 3. Im sure those things will not do any harm, i feel they work. I have pretty good comunication with my brain with "feeling" things:)

About head, i feel like my brain virtually moves in kind of wave way if there is a lot of electricity going on. But it does not bother me so sorry that i cannot help. 

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