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r0ckyreed Blueprint

2 posts in this topic

The Blueprint is such an amazing resource!  Thank you Leo!

Are there going to be any updates to it?  

This list is brilliant, but I noticed that some concepts that are not fully developed.

Please add to it!  I love it!  This is an absolute game changer!! :) 

For the people out there, what are the top 5 concepts out of 107 from the blueprint that you want to work on and master?

List the top 5 most appealing concepts from the Blueprint.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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12 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

Are there going to be any updates to it?  

I'm hoping for this too.

12 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

For the people out there, what are the top 5 concepts out of 107 from the blueprint that you want to work on and master?

List the top 5 most appealing concepts from the Blueprint.

Life purpose
Be patient
Subconcious mind
Be present


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