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Masturbation, Guilt and free Energy.

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So after suppressing sexual energies in all sorts of untruthful ways AND becoming more conscious I noticed many interesting aspects about masturbation, fantasies, guilt and how it all comes together. 

So basically most guys experience symptoms of shame, weakness or lethargy after masturbation. Some times for days. Especially if it was accompanied by porn. They think this is a natural state. "And it's normal to feel that way, because masturbation and porn is bad." And therefore NoFap and other kinds of sexual energy suppression exist. This works for some. For many it does not. - Having to restrict oneself is not really aligned with a truthful, free way of life.

So here is the key insight:

Your shame, weakness and lethargy will show itself in relation to your mental fantasizing, while also being detached from the body in the act itself. 

Here are some life-like examples how sexual energy is usually acted out, versus how it naturally would never give you any bad symptoms. 

Scenario one:

You are feeling horny, because you saw some arousing pictures or because you let yourself drift into sexual fantasies with an idealized imagine of a seemingly perfect women. You go after this vortex of arousal, fantasizing, thinking and end up opening porn sites. All of this plays out unconscious, just to keep the flow of the horniness going. You found yourself the perfect clip and get to the orgasm super fast, without even looking at your dick or feeling the sensation in your body. Even if you were conscious of your body here and there, you soon shifted your consciousness onto the video and even more importantly onto your own fantasy having this sexual experience for real, and even more extreme than it is shown. Now you just sit there, like we all sat there, thinking what the hell came over me to be dragged into this hedonistic spiral so fast. There is a scent of guilt and weakness, which accompanied by even more thinking, makes you mentally unstable towards real women and thirsty for the next wave of horniness. 

Scenario Two:

You are feeling horny, and notice that your horniness is feeding from your thoughts and addiction to your thoughts. You could go into this gravitational pull of sexual thoughts, but you stop yourself and really feel into your body, if it wants to experience sexual energy right now. If yes, you go about masturbation, but this time with full awareness about your hand, the intelligence of your veins, and muscles in the arm and of your abdominal feelings while pleasuring yourself. There is awareness in your dick, there is awareness in your bottom - awareness everywhere. You will also notice, that you stop yourself from masturbation, just because your body felt like it. Then, as you go on, you notice how your minds really longs for sexual fantasy as you approach the climax. This is when 99% of guys give into sexual fantasy and start masturbating in the mind again. But this time you stay with your body. It is not enough to be just a little bit aware here and there, you have to be and stay aware through the whole act. If you have to watch porn, fine. Just be really conscious about what is going on and don't drift away into fantasy. Notice every detail and be aware of the experience holistically. Also notice the room in which your experience it, be completely present and aware of everything.

With this approach, I noticed no exhaustion, no guilt, no shame, no lethargy, no mental attachment to what you have watched and what you should not have watched. Just peace and freedom. This also breaks any addiction, because you are never addicted to bodily sensation. It's rather the fantasy that sparks and keeps the dopamine flow alive. 

By the way, this insight forms also the core of Tantra, if you have not noticed yet. 

Cheers and amazing, aware masturbation ;)

Edited by Vynce

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9 hours ago, Vynce said:

So basically most guys experience symptoms of shame, weakness or lethargy after masturbation. Some times for days. Especially if it was accompanied by porn

It always confuses me when I read people saying this. As far as I’m aware this is the exception, not the norm

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9 hours ago, KH2 said:

Scenario three:


Seriously though, I don't really see the difference between those 2 scenarios, the outcome is the same - you cum. I'd rather use that energy and time elsewhere.

Guess I'm just not "conscious" enough

You would be the first healthy man alive, who could turn off it's sexual cravings by some push ups.

It's just a matter of a time when you want to have sex again. That's why the OP was written down. 

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