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Kalki Avatar

Boundaries, Mind knowledge and Beliefs

1 post in this topic

Just wanted to say that when those videos. Except for the belief changing system that I think will be in his course. Those 3 videos combined will completely evolve the whole community. Its like, when applied correctly, this community will be another thing. 

-Boundaries: People will gain self respect and be excited again as the external (people) are not pushing them into their bs. Im saying it will change people life when they stand up for their values because I had to in order to thrive and still am doing. It will just flip everything from the upside down. People have no idea as to how they unconsciously give their consentment everywhere (Law of consentment). This is crucial too if you are in the spiritual path. Lower ing your guard, being happy and lovely needs balance as ppl start to react to your positive energy. 

-Mind Knowledge: How to use the mind. Knowing the possibilities available from the mind. Its user manual. The only person I have seen saying that he knows his mind absolutely is sadhguru and I dont doubt it. 

-Changing your beliefs at will: The correct step by step process that if done will hit. Not only this will transform your personal life. If everyone here upgrade their beliefs and let go of the negative unnecesary ones, it will affect the collective energy field. 

This is the most practical stuff needed here. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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