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How to get more sales in my phone flipping business

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Hey everyone been curious on how some of you get sales to come to you. Do you use certain affirmations,marketing techniques and such and such I'd appreciate some help as I'm struggling to get more commission in this phone sales industry

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Last week I was in Gamestop and a dude at the counter was selling a phone for $700. I didn't realize they even bought old phones there.

Maybe you can find something like that and you don't need to worry about sales at all. Just find another business that will buy all the phones off you that you can find (you'll have to decide if the reduced price is worth it for the convenience and time saved.)

Then half of the equation is removed and all you have to worry about is finding as many phones as you can at a cheap enough price to profit.

(Assuming I didn't misunderstand this post. You referred to your own phone flipping business but then you're also talking about commissions so I'm a little confused. If you're working at a business in a mall selling phones to customers, and asking how to get more customers in the door, or have a higher sale conversion rate, then my advice would be very different.)

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I don't think I can do that since I sell for my cousin and for every customer I get to buy the phones I get commission its just a side hustle I'm doing in my spare time@Yarco

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Whenever you are purchasing or selling a commodity, your margins will be dictated by the market expectation and by the competition. "sort by price" is your enemy because all phones from companies A, B, C, D are the same I'll go look for the cheapest option I can get. Consumers are smart now and they can find the cheapest price in town in a minute so why would they pay you extra to cover your commission if they can get the same phone on Amazon for 20% cheaper? You can't out-amazon Amazon and you can't out-ebay Ebay. The commodity market is governed by corporations who have absolutely monopolised it and created a price cartel on pretty much everything. 

Most marketing techniques aimed at selfishly extracting more money from the customer while not offering much value are short-lived, pollute the market and destroy consumer trust. What I mean is, "you can run add and convince a few people to buy from you but once they realise that actually they could have had the same phone cheaper or that you added an upsell or there was another sneaky way in there to pull more money out of them - you have lost not just that customer but each person they will share that story with. Most marketing strategies applied by commodity businesses are by definition based on deception, naivety and short term greed. You don't want to participate in that, if you do it will destroy your integrity and crush your soul. 

Maybe the real question should be "how can I get into an industry where I will be providing so much value that negotiating on price won't even be a question and people will pay me because despite the high price the value I offer is 10 times more to what they pay"? That way you can turn your bum onto your competition, pull down your trousers and say "I don't care about what you do and you can kiss my ass" - now of course that's easier said than done but it can be done. The LP course is a nice way to get started on that journey :)

I know that doesn't answer the question :D disregard if irrelevant 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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