
Need Some Inspiration :\

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Hello forum goers, im mike, im 20 and am just recently discovering much of the topics and material with  i was wondering if any of you out there could share w/me a story of some benifit impact or breakthrough that you experienced as a result of starting a meditation practice.  

I've been watching quite a few hours of leo's content in my spare time for the past few months but havnt really been practicing any of it, just knowing..

ive been a little while decided now on getting on board w/enlightenment and self actualize , its just been a matter of where im at in my life since i discovered all this thats been preventing me from

real focused work.  Recently moved out of my parents house for the first time and am not driving yet but working on it so stability and money are not quite where i need them atm.

anyway, i still wanted to integrate some practices to work on my awareness & mindfullness and figured i could work in a daily meditation.  problem is im having trouble motivating myself to take all the time out to do it because im unable to imagine what the long term benefits will be for me.  i just need something that i can maybe feel? or just a better grasp of what ill be working towards because the lack of a sense of end result or reward for it is really killing my motivation to do it :\



Edited by SteveRogers

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Dear Captain America,

Before you start any self-actualization/enlightenment work, I suggest you first deal with the more pressing issues in your life, such as your finances. How can a superhero become self-actualized when he's struggling to get food on the table? No sense in putting the cart before the horse. 

All the best mate,


“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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