
[book] Start With Why By Simon Sinek 10/10

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This is a bussiness book technically but it isn't a typical one which deals with how and what a bussiness is. It truly explains how some leaders with no real experience in bussiness-Steve Jobs, Bill Gates etc are able to spiral a movement. It is precisely because it is a movement and not just a bussiness that its power is so great. Start with Why shows how Bussinesses that run on Why they started as a bussiness succeed massively against even popular bussiness opinion. It is as much a psychology and philosophy book as it is a bussiness. Simon is able to connect so many dots in this book, much like how visionary leaders are able too. This book I believe is even better then "Think and Grow Rich." It goes indepth to the utter roots of a bussiness foundation and not only that but how the roots could be damaged. It logically explains the illogical nature of bussiness and society. STRONG, STRONG Recommendation for this book. Most aspiring entrepeneurs don't understand that one big chunk in bussiness, How it works(Bussiness) is through Why it is! Almost unexplainable really but that is what this brilliant book is for.

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