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Emptiness = Experience

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16 minutes ago, cetus56 said:


@Visionary It sounds like David Icke had quite a long conversation with the universe/consciousness.  "Anything that vibrates is illusion" He also says he was "taken away to another place" ( as a word description only). That too relates to the experience I had  b-c it felt as if I had entered another dimension or something. Yea, the shiny black. Exactly! Everybody must experience the same basic thing but in different ways and no one way is any more (or less) valid than another. Some could experience infinity as colorful streaming lights. and someone else experience infinity as a shiny blackness that  has no color to it. Thanks for posting that! It really helped me a lot! And I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking now that was the void that appeared in consciousness the other day during meditation and not just my mind playing tricks on me.

Glad to help bro. Though I wouldn't attach to this phenomenon or start go searching for it, because it would be just a conceptualized version of what is. I think the more we try to be extremely open minded the more results will come. Extreme open mindedness helps us not to conceptualize anything. Same goes with dropping the desire to find it.

Good luck man. Let me know about your progress.


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