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Edging With Or Without Ejaculation

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Hi there! I have just finished reading David Deida's book, "The Way of the Superior Man" and I was amazed towards the end of the book when he talks about body practices. He was saying that in order to be a truly superior man you should consciously choose when to ejaculate because this would weaken you and would deflect you from your main objectives in life. I didn't hear about that and it seems to me totally counter intuitive. Though, I reckon that after ejaculation I feel very relaxed but also I don't have anymore the same drive for life, just for a period of time. I don't know what to think about this... Are there any benefits from doing this? Is it healthy? Are there any counter effects? Thanks!

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Well it's certainly true from my own perspective that ejaculation in the morning makes you weak for the whole day, however it is beneficial before sleep because it relaxes you and makes your sleep quality better.

You can ejaculate, but not too often. I don't see the point in edging tho, except for giving yourself blueballs. I tried edging while I did NoFap many months ago, and the result was much much pain in the groin and the bluest balls ever. Now I just fap as usual but only once a week. I read somehwere that the perfect nofap cycle for maintaining peak testosterone levels is 7 days. So far it works, it's not too much nor too little fap.

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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