
The 3 Great Perception Of All Mankind

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The 3 Perceptions/Perceivers of Issues

Whys- The dreamers, Creators, Philosopher and wanderers, to solve the issue of suffering, they must seek Why their is suffering- Attachment and why their is attachment. They seek the source. Hence why so many are creators as the source is where creation comes from. Understanding is their freedom and their weapon. The roots are funneled out and massacred.


The Hows-The engineers, in action person, hard workers, artisans. They seek how things work to solve the issue, How does attachment work?- Illusionary thoughts separated by splits of nothingness, cloud consciousness. They tend must find a way how to clear those clouds. They wish to understand how the clouds form and solve the issue within the perspective of functions. The stem is crushed, possibly destroying the plant as a whole. 


The Whats- The average person, they only see what they believe is in front of them(a deluded one without realizing the delusion). They eat what is given.They see what the problem is?- Attachment. So they seek to destroy what is there, yet the fruit regrows every year.. They cut the fruit without realizing the roots nor the stem. They will receive the most suffering when faced with such. The plant has the greatest strength to regrow under the Perception of What. On another view would be if they were to refine their view of What is truly there. In an anology compared to the analogy made about "They eat what is given", Those with a refined view "Know what it is they are given to eat".


Scrambled Notes: Of course this is all still in a largely theoritical state, even more so then my "Sensing the Karmic Outcomes of People" Nevertheless, I believe this is a solid theory, well really it just ties in a few older theories plus ties it up with an organized theory.(yes I'm aware I should be using the term hypothesis!) Some of the ideas for this came from "Start with Why", a book about how the bussinesses that understand Why they exist prosper dramatically more than the Whats, Also from when Leo mentioned in his videos about seeking Why something worked(If you understood why it is, you wouldn't be playing victim to it), and Buddha's words on how all suffering comes from Desire. After connecting a dot in "Start with Why" and Leo's message, I realized that to solve and transform all issues, it must be done at the Why Perception. Buddha's word on Desire was seemed like a What statement as Why does Desire cause suffering? Then I found that the Why of that to be Ignorance. Ignorance would be the Why answer and Desire would be the What. Illusion would be the How answer. This also further interested me on how and why people function as they do in this logic. Accidently I found their natural perception to be how their careers and functions would occur. On a side note, The solutions to life are sometimes connecting dots instead of just finding them. Hope you enjoyed this little insight :D

Edited by Progress

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@Progress Wow this was great. Keep up the good work.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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