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Can mindfulness be effective without loving or believing the process?

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I struggle with this question a lot - Am I suppose to add more love to the technique, or that from some point, more "love" will just be a compensation mechanism and will reduce the effectiveness of the method?

But in the other hand, doing the meditation without love at all can be very hard or maybe not effective at all.

Say I do the "Do nothing" meditation but I do it only technically. Like "just face your fears and all other thoughts". Do you think it can work at all if we do this under this attitude?

I assume that no. 

But I am interested to know what do you think?

love = How you interpret the word from your intuition in your current developmental stage.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF. Israelis here? Let me know!


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