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Purpose / Fulfilment

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I was listening to this video on YouTube which made me think (i time stamped it):

In the video the guy says something along the lines of "purpose is basically you making up in your mind that something is important and then doing it because you feel it's important". I'd be interested to know if that's accurate, and then, would fulfillment be the feeling you could get from doing the activity or progressing in a way towards that which you deem important?

If the statement about purpose basically being something you find important is true, then I would like to discus something else as well. It's a habit (I think) in my thinking that sort-of removes the level of importance of those thoughts. Let's say I get an idea like "hey I'd like to learn spanish", i'd get into a either one of these ways of thinking:

  1. Hmm, I just create that idea that I find this important. It's not inherently important, I can live without. In fact, I just made up that this is something important and I could just change it if I want to. Basically standing several levels back from those initial thoughts. Like an observing mode
  2. Or I'll think, hmm... will this create the fulfillment I'm looking for or will I just end up feeling like I feel right now only with a new language  under my belt?

I guess mainly the thing is, that I learned that all thoughts are just thoughts, and they are made up. And being so conscious about this, I feel like is in a way also hindering in enjoying or starting new things.

It'd be interesting to see if anyone recognizes this and maybe can elaborate or maybe knows how to counter this. Maybe you know how I can research this some more.

Thanks cheers!


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   Nice share. It seems like it is the case with purpose, anyone can literally make a purpose for anything they want to manifest in the future.

   Taking action, and training towards getting that into the real world, is where it starts to differ.

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