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meditation troubles

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I began my meditation/yoga practice not too long ago maybe a month or more ago. pranayama i kinda struggle with with a nasal injury but besides that. focusing on my root chakra for kundalini, felt the pulse, then felt the heat, afterwards an INTENSE sense of bliss and peace i started to cry. anyways this was a few days ago. i cant seem to get the heat back, is it me expecting it? i have been consciously trying to not expect it and just let it happen but still all i get is the occasional pulses. its screwing with my motivation. imma cut it there i rather keep it short.

Peace and love

oh and if anyone has found any kriya techniques I humbly ask you share to help me in my journey, and of course these practices are secondary/or complimentary to psychedelics

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Just keep doing it. It sounds like you're doing the right thing. Keep your expectations at a minimum and see what happens. As far as motivation goes, you shouldn't rely on it. You'll have bad meditations, and good ones. You'll have days where you don't want to meditate because you're too lazy or too tired. The best meditations in my experience are those where you initially don't want to do them, but you do them anyway. Rely on discipline rather than motivation, which is flimsy and unpredictable.

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