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Why does belief turn into feeling?

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Well, a belief is just a repeated thought. Like, very repeated. Repeated so much it becomes a subconscious program. Why is repetition so important to the Universe? Anyway, so the question should really be: Why does a repeated thought turn into a feeling? Hm. Maybe because it builds frequency? Let's bring it home to ourselves– we are a repeated thought, after all. And because of that we are manifested. We are nothing but a thought-form, an expression of God consciousness creating experiences of ourselves so we can transcend them. Why do we continuously want to transcend ourselves? Why do we desire to transcend even the highest of experiences? C'mon you know this. How do you go through infinity? Your nature is infinite. How do you exercise your nature? How do you express yourself? There is always more potential to reveal. There is always more imagination to play out. There is always more variations of loving yourself– of exploring yourself and discovering yourself all over again. 

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