Peace and Love

How To Fall In Love With Yourself

1 post in this topic

Hi Leo,

I was wondering if you could make a video about self love and how it is an important role in becoming a sage.  If you don't love yourself you cannot show compassion and love for other people.  I know this requires a lot of changes within the ego and the subconscious mind.

I love finding answers from multiple teachings: 

Galatians 5:22-23- "But the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

Teal Swan- You are indivisible by which you call God, which means that any act that is not self-loving is true blasphemy.

Osho- A man who loves himself, takes the first step to real love.

Buddah- You yourself as much as anybody else in the universe, deserve your love and affection.

I like a lot of things that Louise L Hay talks about in her video "You Can Create an Exceptional Life".

The way to control your life is to control your choice of words and thoughts.  No one thinks in your mind but you.

Stop all Criticism.  Begin to Notice how your mind manifests things in your life. Forgiving yourself. Be Gentle, Be Kind, Be Patient with yourself..

I especially like this one.... BE LOVING TO YOUR NEGATIVE-  The negative is a need that fulfills me in some way in my life. You need to find a new way to fulfill that negative (habit, behavior, belief) in a new way,

Louise L. Hay - Heal your body

For us to become whole and healthy, we must balance the body, mind and spirit.  We need to take good care of our bodies.  We need to have a positive mental attitude about ourselves and about life.  And we need to have a strong spiritual connection.  When these three things are balanced, we rejoice in living.  No doctor, no health practitioner can give us this unless we choose to take part in our healing process.

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