
Neurotic Gratefulness

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I was just thinking of a thing, that many say that gratefulness makes you happy which I kind of doubt. Your brain will always adapt to whatever stimulus/circumstance you have in your life, so forecing onceself to be grateful might just be another lie by the ego to be lazy. So forecing youself to be grateful unless you are in a meditative state is stupid and pointless. Its just another layer of lie.



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@Lamp Gratitude becomes a by product of a certain level of conscoiusness and emotional maturity.

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The self help community likes to praise that you should always be grateful. Be grateful for your kids, your house, health, etc. But that level of thinking is very black and white and could get one in trouble; if you authentically feel like not being grateful for something, better show that than faking. Faking creates suffering, but being yourself is much more fulfilling. Of course there are also exceptions to my claim, but I think the general idea is mostly true. 

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