
Hypnosis and its Benefits

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I was watching video by Osho where he was talking about how he was able to help a person achieve his goal through hypnotizing him .

I don't know much but it think hypnosis works by reaching a trance state through focused concentration and suggesting some affirmations that goes straight to subconscious and subconscious gets reprogrammed . As most things we do are already programmed it becomes tough for us to start a new habit . 

Hypnosis makes starting a new habit or just achieving whatever you wanna do easy 

and its not always someone else hypnotising you , you can hypnotise yourself as well

Osho said its a shame that so many people can be benefitted through hypnosis as it holds so much potential but its not being used and I feel the same 

It would be great if Leo could make a video on self hypnosis for self help and personal development  



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