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Bad feelings around Making Money

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I recently started visioning about living in a more wealthy home and making more money.  Though it felt nice, I do have this idea/belief thingy that's not wanting to trade meaningfulness and happiness for that.  It's also perhaps saying it's sort of selfish.  Finally, it's saying something like "I'm worried I'll be taking more from the world than what I put into it / I'll be harming the world more / ... "  things like that. 

I haven't ever been very wealthy relatively speaking.  I don't have a solid career going and have rented rooms for basically my whole adult life so far.  

I'm also seeing how a lot of issues come from not having more money.  Things like living in a place that suits me better so I can live more in sanity (noise with others is a big one for me).  Also, being able to afford time off for mental health and personal growth, and also just being able to afford things for physical health and upkeep.  My body ain't getting younger.  

Anyways, I know intellectually or "obviously" that money in and of itself isn't "bad" per se, and that this is something I have to dig into myself to figure out and resolve.  But I was just wondering what people think of this.  

I'm also sort of suspicious of this one particular vision of making money as it might be coming from insecurity rather than love and meaningfulness.  

I also am probably leaning more towards just pursuing meaning and what I love and want to contribute as a higher priority rather than making more money.  Which might be why when I envision making more money solely for that, I might feel a bit hollow, or cold or something.  Though it would be nice. 

Cheers to any comments ... except the ones I don't like :P.  Jk, thanks for any input. 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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The only one stopping you from having all the money that you need/want, is you.

And the beliefs and judgments that you hold, is how you stop yourself.

So you need to deconstruct them.

The audiobook of "The science of getting rich" by wallace D. Wattles helped me get some breakthroughs there.

A couple of targeted affirmations about abundance and wealth, that you are getting it and you are deserving of it. That will help a lot.


But also just thinking about it more deeply.

22 hours ago, Matt23 said:

I also am probably leaning more towards just pursuing meaning and what I love and want to contribute as a higher priority rather than making more money.


22 hours ago, Matt23 said:

Things like living in a place that suits me better so I can live more in sanity (noise with others is a big one for me).  Also, being able to afford time off for mental health and personal growth, and also just being able to afford things for physical health and upkeep.


Look at how these things collide.

If you are truly going to make meaningful contribution, then how is it not in the world's best interest that you have all the money that you need to be healthy and happy?

Will your contributions be better or worse, if you are suffering from insanity due to noise from roommates?

Will your contributions be better or worse, if you are taking care of your physical health?

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