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I’m kind of terrified but also in awe about this experience. Thoughts ?

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Hey all, 

Hope you’re doing well and keeping safe. 

I wanted to share a distinct experience I had with you all. 

Last night, I was up reading the book ‘Conversations with God- Part 1’, as was recommended on Leo’s Booklist. I was extremely engrossed in the book, re-reading and highlighting many passages. 



Secondly, I was up late last night scrolling through the forum looking at various insights and trip reports. I look at the time and I realise that I’ve been reading through the forum for an hour, it’s 1am.



I’ve been into spirituality for almost 3 years and never taken any substances to have an experience of the true nature of reality, therefore I am relatively new to this stuff.


However, in the past two weeks, I have been taking this interrogation of Truth more seriously and been reading many books, watching more of Leo’s videos with more intent and purpose.


That is the general overview/outline of my relationship to spirituality and what I was doing the night before.


Here’s what happened:

I was half-asleep in my bed, I was aware that I was half awake and half asleep, I remember myself thinking about various things.


I’m not sure what I was dreaming of, but I felt a small tug under my stomach, as if someone was caressing it. I though it was my sister who came to hug me from her room. Then, I felt this warm embrace, as I was safe and protected and I felt a tingle of peace and joy. 

I had meticulously studied about the soul the night before in my readings of ‘Conversations with God’, and had a few ‘aha’ moments.

It almost came out like a reflex, I remember thinking in that state after the ‘tug’:

‘Aww, my soul is giving me a hug. I am loved’

And after I said those words, this frightening feeling came over me, I felt scared and I saw these red lights, I may have been hallucinating some colours, though my eyes were shut. I could feel my heart beat rise and I did not like the feeling that followed. 

What could this have been ?

I don’t think I’ve felt this ting of initial joy and peace that I felt earlier and then also that fear that followed it. 

I immediately went to the other room to find my mum. 


Any thoughts about this situation ? 

Thanks !

Edited by Greengrass

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Sounds like a nice experience and mysterious experience. What do you personally think happened?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Hey @Thought Art !

thanks for your message. 
I was pretty ambiguous but considering the warmth and novelty of the experience, it may or may not have been a little glance of the Truth,
It was something I’ve never experienced before too. :)

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