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Interesting theory on the origins of our shadow.

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When we evolved from being solely reliant on our instincts, into beings with self reflecting minds, conflict arose between our instincts and our adventurous minds. It was in this conflict that the shadow was born. The speaker (a biologist) in this short video clip even relates it to the garden of Eden in a novel way. It kind of feels like the whole human story is one where we were once taught that we are bad, and ever since we have been trying to prove that we are good. After watching this clip I came away feeling an amazing new level of understanding, forgiveness and love for myself and all of humanity. One gets the sense that with the right understanding the shadow can be integrated much faster than once thought possible. I hope someone else also has an aha moment when watching this. 


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Devilry is an innocent byproduct of evolution. When we don't see it's innocence it leads to more devilry. When we see it's innocence it is transformed.

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There are 4 possible origins of our shadow.

1. The first origin is in our childhood. Parents and other important people in our early lifes have already their own shadow and with upbringing by fragmented psyches of the adults the same pattern is replicated in children.

The disintegration of our mentality or the splitting of its components into "layers" with different emotional charges and levels of vigilance and stability is in fact the result of the action of repression.

The factors contributing to the origin of our shadow are of course bio-psycho-social and very complex.

2. The historical origin of the shadow could be many thousands of years ago when people started living in the caves. The traumatic experiences in the caves, especialy at night and when encoutering predators, could be the historical cause of shadow and extreme fragmentation of the human psyche. This is only hypothesis...

So these two factors are the "earthly" causes of the origin of our shadows.

3. The third origin can be from the previous lifes manifested in this one...

4. The fourth origin of the shadow is the deepest. It's source is the "begining" of the world of form, when the Absolute seemingly denied Himself for the purpose of the Play. He Himself became a shadow to Himself, fragmented and dispersed, and this can be the primary source of the world shadow on the deepest ontological level.

He lost Himself, He hurt and traumatized Himself, and he is healing His Shadow to Selfaccept Himself again to express Himself fully in the manifested part of Himself as who He really is. There will come the time( it is already now) when the Shadow will be healed and gone and the world will be the pure manifestation of the Absolute Love.

No shadows in the dark anymore, only Light and Love, forever and ever?...

Edited by Bojan V

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