
Wrong Choice

7 posts in this topic

Hi guys,

I have a project but I am very frustrated and overwhelmed. It is a difficult project, it contains statistics (I am not good at math) and teamwork(I am very introverted); but the matter is I am not actually interested in this project. Why am I in? Because I made a logical decision and chose this project, I have some benefits but it is not my passion. Now, my motivation is very low to progress. Yesterday, I smacked and punched myself and said “I am stupid, stupid, stupid…” The worst of all is to convince myself that I can do it, but I just waste my time and energy.

I hate my logical decisions… But now, I have to finish this project…  

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@alea Hi Alea,

So you can't talk to the teacher/prof, explain that you made a mistake, to switch to another project? İf you can't...then there is only one way out, and that is to finish the project. No need to punch yourself ;).

You show some limiting beliefs in your post, about your self image. Like :  'i'm not good at math', 'i am very introverted', 'i have low motivation'. Take for example 'i am not good at math' . This becomes a self fulfilling get a bad grade at math and you think 'damn, i'm not good at math' the next time you have to study math, you think 'see, i don't understand this, i'm not good at math, this is so hard...' and then you get a bad grade again, and this will reinforce the belief, you start to hate math, lose motivation, get behind on the material...and all this will reinforce your belief 'i'm not good at math' in a negative feedback loop.

You have to change that belief. İt works the same in the positive way too. 'i am good at math, it's not that hard, i understand this' İf you don't understand it, look it up on youtube, there are alot of teachers who all have different teaching styles. You will's not that hard, some teachers just can't convey it as good as others. Then next time you have a test, you'll get a better grade. And you can start to build on a positive feedback loop that reinforces the belief 'i am good at math'. 

You can apply this to all your negative self image beliefs. Wish you the best.

Edited by David1

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Accept that you made a mistake and go on with it. You choose the best option with what you had.
You shouldnt make an image of yourself as stupid.

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@alea I doubt you're stupid if you're making decisions to do something great. I would recommend trying to ask yourself "what can I find interesting about this subject that can fascinate me?" When that is found it won't be hard to do work, if you can't find a reason do a google search and find out why others love it so much. With the difficulty answering questions, just persist, as Thomas Edison said "I haven't failed I've just found 10,000 ways to do something wrong". And, like him you should be persistent and learn how to solve the problem, as it will allow you to grow mentally. So just persist and believe in yourself, as you ARE JUST AS GOOD AS ANYONE ELSE! ;)





"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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Thank you for all replies.

I convinced myself that I can do it, I told myself that it is science, everyone can learn everything, don’t procrastinate, you did good things in your life, this project will finish soon, don’t give up, be persist, stop nagging, don’t waste your time, just do your work etc...

This kind of thoughts helped me, but only 1-2 days, after that I was frustrated again.

I used Pomodoro techniques to focus, made plans, set goals; I rewarded myself.

Now, I am really fed up with hacking my brain all the time. Some days I couldn’t work even 15 minutes. I am really indifferent to this project. I am just playing computer games, wasting my time. 

And my last week to submit..

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I belive you may find your answer in one of the Sadhguru videos on youtube. Just see a bunch of them and observe hees way of thinking how simple yet genious it is! Leo in his last vid mentioned that he is his favorite living guru and on top of that he adresses lots of modern day topics. I belive that after listening to him for some time you will find your answer ^^

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