Terell Kirby

The Problem with Identity

30 posts in this topic

45 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

@Dodo you are also under the same delusion. You are refusing to accept your true nature as God, you are All Powerful. Wherever you are, look around and notice that everything is a creation of your divine consciousness...or mind rather. Including your body and your thoughts....everything. Godspeed ??

Unity does not mean we are one being. It could also mean we are different beings, unified by the same Absolute. We are the beings, not the Absolute.  

Do you value your human existence?  Is there a qualitative difference between you being a snake or a human?  Both are within consciousness. Both are in the game. Who are you?  You are definitely not a snake. 

Would you sell your humanity for eternal existence?  Do not fantasise. Imagination must be grounded, or it can spiral out of control. You might not want that. Remove the God complex and even if you are God, would be pretty humble of you not to claim it.

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@Dodo I’d like to hone in your statement: “Notice you are masking separation as unity in. You are talking to me as if I’m separate and that I’m not getting something, because you unconsciously perceive me as someone else”.

This is an assumption on your part. My (consciousness (as God) is rendering the present moment of forum member @Terell Kirby & @Dodo. Hell it’s even rendering the present moment of the oh so deluded Kalo. Recognize that you are this same consciousness. Kalo is this same consciousness. There is no implied separation. 

All I hear is resistance to this Truth, and that’s nothing but the Ego playing tricks, use language and monologues to cause confusion. Be careful to not project and let fear control you.

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12 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Unity does not mean we are one being. It could also mean we are different beings, unified by the same Absolute. We are the beings, not the Absolute.  

Do you value your human existence?  Is there a qualitative difference between you being a snake or a human?  Both are within consciousness. Both are in the game. Who are you?  You are definitely not a snake. 

Would you sell your humanity for eternal existence?  Do not fantasise. Imagination must be grounded, or it can spiral out of control. You might not want that. Remove the God complex and even if you are God, would be pretty humble of you not to claim it.

I can tell from this statement that you are attached to human existence. Again this is a defense mechanism of your Ego. God consciousness means you value ALL of existence. Not just humans. You calling it a “complex” and claiming a need for humility is again resistance to Truth. It’s quite laughable that you say “do not fantasize”. All God does is fantasize haha. Forever. You are fantasizing this interaction right now!

Look around you...you are literally the Creator of Existence, including all of your friends, family and me as well. You are the Creator of your enemies..people who have hurt you in your life. You are the Creator of all animals, physical Earth as you know it. Why do insist on resisting this? Scary right?

You will continue to Create for eternity. Whether you accept it or not.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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15 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

@Dodo I’d like to hone in your statement: “Notice you are masking separation as unity in. You are talking to me as if I’m separate and that I’m not getting something, because you unconsciously perceive me as someone else”.

This is an assumption on your part. My (consciousness (as God) is rendering the present moment of forum member @Terell Kirby & @Dodo. Hell it’s even rendering the present moment of the oh so deluded Kalo. Recognize that you are this same consciousness. Kalo is this same consciousness. There is no implied separation. 

All I hear is resistance to this Truth, and that’s nothing but the Ego playing tricks, use language and monologues to cause confusion. Be careful to not project and let fear control you.

you do not know how the consciousness is doing that and you do not want to admit that. It is beyond Terrel Kirby, so why is Terell Kirby making an identity out of it. It seems to me Kalo is more connected, since he does not have a spiritual ego. 

You have mixed your spiritual insight with the Terrel Kirby character/timeline. It is from your point of view that I am someone resisting "the Truth". Notice from your character's paradigm, you created both Terrel Kirby's character/timeline and Dodo's character/timeline. Those two character/timelines are the ones communicating. God is the substance which unifies those. Just some thoughts for contemplation. I am not forcing you to do anything or to change your mind. And I am not saying what I say is ultimately true. That would mean im playing the same game as you (Playing God) which I would rather not.

I know full well minds are the hardest thing to change.  I am all for contemplation and introspection. When I write on this forum I dont only introspect about my own things. I do listen to those who I dont agree with too and am not arrogant enough to dismiss what you're saying either.

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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21 minutes ago, Dodo said:

you do not know how the consciousness is doing that and you do not want to admit that. It is beyond Terrel Kirby, so why is Terell Kirby making an identity out of it. It seems to me Kalo is more connected, since he does not have a spiritual ego. 

You have mixed your spiritual insight with the Terrel Kirby character/timeline. It is from your point of view that I am someone resisting "the Truth". Notice from your character's paradigm, you created both Terrel Kirby's character/timeline and Dodo's character/timeline. Those two character/timelines are the ones communicating. God is the substance which unifies those. Just some thoughts for contemplation. I am not forcing you to do anything or to change your mind.

I know full well minds are the hardest thing to change.  


Why would I not know what Consciousness is doing when I am Consciousness? ?. Full minds are definitely hard to change...that includes yours.

As I told Kalo, pull your head out of your ass and your journey will get easier..I promise. I’m not responding anymore to your closed mind, I’m not interested in debating. Just sharing my insights. Take care.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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1 minute ago, Terell Kirby said:

What would I not know what Consciousness is doing when I am Consciousness? ?. Full minds are definitely hard to change...that include yours.

As I told Kalo, pull your head out of your ass and your journey will get easier..I promise. I’m not responding anymore to your closed mind, I’m not interested in debating. Just sharing my insights. Take care

Defense mechanism of yours is activating I see. Is it or is it not closemjnded to end discussion like that? Having the last word? 

Well consciousness /God, how are you creating my words right now? 

Waiting for Terrel Kirby to respond, even though his ego has decided to guard his new found identity through silence. 


Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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24 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

What would I not know what Consciousness is doing when I am Consciousness? ?. Full minds are definitely hard to change...that include yours.

As I told Kalo, pull your head out of your ass and your journey will get easier..I promise. I’m not responding anymore to your closed mind, I’m not interested in debating. Just sharing my insights. Take care

The only reason you would not want to talk, is because you feel threatened. You have attached to the idea that you are the one and only consciousness/God and yet you do not want to prove that by accessing information from this iteration of infinity over here. 

I know you are infinity. You perceive me as close minded, but you might be painting the wrong picture. I am conscious too, and yet you do not have access to my distinct infinite experience. 

There is, oh Arjuna, an absolute beyond all infinities. I am Not That. I am This. 

Cannot call another infinity ignorant, simply a different expression of the absolute as some put it. 

Do not mistake your infinity with God. Beyond us all, beyond all collectives, beyond all infinities. 


I am not just some close minded guy telling these things. I have been doing consciousness work for a while now and I know full well where you're coming from.

Im talking about going full circle 

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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46 minutes ago, Dodo said:

The only reason you would not want to talk, is because you feel threatened. You have attached to the idea that you are the one and only consciousness/God and yet you do not want to prove that by accessing information from this iteration of infinity over here. 

I know you are infinity. You perceive me as close minded, but you might be painting the wrong picture. I am conscious too, and yet you do not have access to my distinct infinite experience. 

There is, oh Arjuna, an absolute beyond all infinities. I am Not That. I am This. 

Cannot call another infinity ignorant, simply a different expression of the absolute as some put it. 

Do not mistake your infinity with God. Beyond us all, beyond all collectives, beyond all infinities. 


I am not just some close minded guy telling these things. I have been doing consciousness work for a while now and I know full well where you're coming from.

Im talking about going full circle 

Quite the contrary my friend, I am not threatened by you...you are me, and I am you :). I am simply uninterested in debating and pure philosophy. Truth is cold in a sense where it's either you get it or you don't. Your need to go back and forth clearly illustrates your resistance to realizing how Powerful you are as God. Nothing I say to you will change this fundamental fact, your Ego wants to cloud it through debating. I will not give you that luxury...as I would be doing a dis-service to you. I guess my only advice is to not over-mystify things on your journey, who you are is the one manifesting all elements of your present reality. It's a hard pill to swallow for the Ego, but a joyful one once you relinquish your attachment to your body and thoughts. Best of luck 

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27 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Quite the contrary my friend, I am not threatened by you...you are me, and I am you :). I am simply uninterested in debating and pure philosophy. Truth is cold in a sense where it's either you get it or you don't. Your need to go back and forth clearly illustrates your resistance to realizing how Powerful you are as God. Nothing I say to you will change this fundamental fact, your Ego wants to cloud it through debating. I will not give you that luxury...as I would be doing a dis-service to you. I guess my only advice is to not over-mystify things on your journey, who you are is the one manifesting all elements of your present reality. It's a hard pill to swallow for the Ego, but a joyful one once you relinquish your attachment to your body and thoughts. Best of luck 

You got one thing wrong (*insert Heisenberg here*), you are misperceiving what Im saying as just philosophy. I am very much so in experiential mode. And I am not here to say that I control all of reality. That's reality's job. Some egos dont see they are egos. I call it the invisible ego. Its still there... Even more dangerous when its invisible. 

Best of luck to yourself also! 


Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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39 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Quite the contrary my friend, I am not threatened by you...you are me, and I am you :). I am simply uninterested in debating and pure philosophy. Truth is cold in a sense where it's either you get it or you don't. Your need to go back and forth clearly illustrates your resistance to realizing how Powerful you are as God. Nothing I say to you will change this fundamental fact, your Ego wants to cloud it through debating. I will not give you that luxury...as I would be doing a dis-service to you. I guess my only advice is to not over-mystify things on your journey, who you are is the one manifesting all elements of your present reality. It's a hard pill to swallow for the Ego, but a joyful one once you relinquish your attachment to your body and thoughts. Best of luck 

Ps: you impose there is something to get and insist that I dont get it. 

Let me tell you something about Truth. Truth is Truth whether you get it or not.

A mathematical truth will be true whether I get to a solution or not. It is already true and working, irrelevant of my identifying with it. Get me? 

Who is there who gets the truth and who is here who doesn't?  It seems like that's the whole script of the Absolute, why are you challenging it and writing all that nonsense about someone here who doesnt get it. 

I am talking here based on your own paradigm. I put myself in your shoes and talk from that.

I am trying to point out that your person is not speaking inline with the truth he is trying to present he has that others do not. 

It's a very obvious error. It's a basic error. See since I am not in this paradigm I am actually able to relate to you as you and not pretending I know who you are. 


Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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