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how do u distinguish commitment vs intuition

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i made a commitment to do 2 open mic (stand up comedy) a week to get out of my comfort zone. ive been maintaining this routine for a few months now. but it doesnt feel as fun anymore and i find it very emotionally taxing. do i just keep going, or chill out a bit? on one hand i made a promise to myself, on the other hand i dont want to do something i dont feel like doing atm because its not as fun anymore/coming from inspiration. it feels more like a chore, like going to the gym or something 

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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Personally, I distinguish commitment as things that I'm required to do for a bigger purpose, and often that purpose comes from intuition. For example, the intuition that you have to meditate in order to be conscious. Commitment comes from accomplishing this doesn't matter what happens. 

So, What does your intuition say? We have to push ourselves in order to accomplish something. What do you get from doing these 2 open mics a week? Does this align with your life purpose? Where does this lack of inspiration come from?  Would you get value if you treat open mics as a chore? Maybe you have to experiment in order to know that. Also, can you negotiate with yourself in order to feel better and accomplish your goals? 

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@PBen534 good answer. My purpose has to do with becoming who I want to be and stand up does assist me in getting that social confidence. So yes it does. This helped thanks 

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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