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Is life worth living?

1 post in this topic

All things considered, as far as I can see things, there isnt a real solid objective arguement for why life is worth living. Im not being nihilistic here in the ordinary sense of the word, but I think most people here have realized that life is inherenttly meaningless or that all meaning is constructed as leo talked about before.

So, from a very big-picture view on things, Is there a good solid argument for living, when we understand the nature of dying as connecting with oneness?
Don't you worry, this is'nt coming from a suicidal or even a morbid state of mind, it  is just a contemplative exercise.

things leo might cover:

the nature of time
the life-death duality
how meaning and pupose is constructed
is there absolute meaning or purpose?
enlightment (in this context)
Life purpose,Death and reproduction

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