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Me - a broken girl

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I saw myself as a broken person for the longest time. 

This is what represented me. 


Some how these  pics make me feel better because they represent my sad broken self accurately. 









INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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But I'm trying to get better and that's a positive sign. 





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Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Clear your head space 

Clear your heart space 

Feel better every moment 

You have many reasons to be proud 

You have a beautiful big heart 




You have a beautiful big heart 

But it pains when it's not reciprocated 

Inconsistency with actions and passions 

You're very creative but 

You get distracted easily 

You fall back on old cycles 

You're doing incredibly well

Fall back on old behaviors and patterns and cycles that are comfortable but not helpful 


If you insist 







INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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 My personal tarot reading by an online tarot reader 


You're on the up and up and up. You're in better place than what you were in 6 months ago.

You're the obstacle in your way. 

Celebrate yourself. You deserve it. 

Honest messages today. 

You guys are literally your biggest strengths and your biggest ally. No one else an possibly pull you down as much as your inner voice can. You have a lot of reasons to celebrate. You're on the up and up and up. You're definitely in a better place now than you have been recently or in the last six months. But it's a constant struggle of telling that inner voice the same narrative. You have a Hyde inside of you. You are Doctor Hyde and you have this beast called Jekyll inside you. Unfortunately at times it says things that we don't want to hear. It protects you because nobody else can possibly tear you as much as this inner voice can but there is a strong emphasis already saying that you are the obstacle in your way. The spirit is saying that you need to solidify the path that you are already on, because it is indicating that you are on the up and up and up. The reading says that you are doing everything right, you deserve to pat yourself on the back, you deserve to tell yourself that you are doing well, you deserve to take a load off , get the gremlin off your shoulder,you deserve to be told that you are doing well, you don't have any blockages per se. Your biggest blockage is appreciating your present moment, living in your present moment, lavishing the success that you presently have, your inner voice is necessary to motivate you but don't let that inner voice from stopping to celebrate your success, turn that voice down, and allow your inner child to celebrate that success 


Ten of pentacles. 

Your generosity is a barrier towards your success, because it knows no bounds. This is a difficult message to convey because we need more people like you. We need people who are generous and selfless and kind. But it is about having a healthy balance of being selfless and putting your own needs first, handouts don't help anyone. Hand outs keep people sitting down because they know that they are going to be taken care of. You have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders pertaining to family connections. Your success could be very alienating and isolating unless you help other people out. 


9 of cups 

Your happiness. 

You still put your emotional fulfillment on others at times. You can have a very good time by yourself. You still have this need for  receiving emotional validation from others, recognition from others. You have a lot of reasons to be proud. You want people to recognize your achievements. You can't make people do this and the more that you want them to do this, the more you put them in a position to do that, the less genuine that recognition is going to be. You have a beautiful big heart. And when somebody is doing well, you genuinely feel excited and happy for them, so it pains you when it's not reciprocated in a balanced way  but the spirit is actually encouraging you to be more self focused when it comes to your success. You don't need this much validation from others. You are doing very very well and the right people who can support you in the right ways will come once you make room for them in your life. If you insist on filling this void with people who aren't genuine about their praise, who only want rather than give,then you are not going to have what your soul truly wants, you are filling these empty spaces with people who are not worthy of your recognition that you are giving them because you're giving these people so much attention as well, these people are not bad, it's just the pattern of behaviors you have gotten yourself into with them. And the spirit is highlighting how your actions are standing in the way from you experiencing  your genuine success by filling your way with literally avatars, they are just there, they are not able to genuinely connect with you in that moment, and it's not like they don't want to but it's a very forced situation. There's a lot of pressure in those moments of them trying to fulfill your expectations, and also of you to fulfill their expectations, because you have pulled them into this and insisted on having everything and nobody genuinely wins in this moment, feels like it's very empty and disconnected.


8 of pentacles. The accompanying clarifying card is 8 of torches. 

Inconsistencies when it comes to your actions and your passions.. You're very creative but you get distracted easily. You have this way of falling back on your old cycles that you know aren't going to benefit you, you're on an incredible journey forward, you're doing incredibly well, your guides are very proud of you. This reading is a confirmation of things that you already know. You have the tendency to fall backwards on old behaviors on old patterns, on old cycles that are comfortable but not helpful. It's time to start new cycles. New routines when it comes to your work ethic, and when it comes to your interests. If you are curious and interested in new passions, new interests, new hobbies in life, these are going to create new connections of people who are going to be more helpful towards what you're working on, people who you don't have to impress, people who don't want something from you, they genuinely want to be involved in that process. You are forced into this uncomfortable period of revisiting old cycles of behavior so that you can see just how unfulfilling they are. Spirit wants to test you and show you just how empty some of these old cycles were. Just how unfulfilling these old connections were. You have a lot of people that are curious about you. But no one is able to genuinely express genuine pride in your success. Your connections right now are empty. Spirit is encouraging you to celebrate yourself. To not feel the need to fill empty spaces around you  with people who are needing to be  paid to be there, who are bribed to be there. They should genuinely want to celebrate you and in that case you won't need to bribe them. You're in an incredibly transitional period. You are close to achieving a major manifestation. Right now what you are experiencing is the last minute bump in your road to test how far you have come and to test what cycles you are willing to come out of and what new routines you're willing to set. You will have more motivation, creativity and more inspiration the more you declutter your life and the more you declutter your energy, declutter your connections, especially, you're going to have so much more room for inspiration and so much more room for people who inspire you. If you insist on keeping people who are lacking in ambition and then you are going to fall to their level and that isn't going to help your journey, you are meant to elevate, you are meant to rise above your circumstances, as a beacon of hope and not as a target. To show other people that these dreams are possible. 


2 of cups. 

This emptiness is worth filling but you need to work on it. You are seeking emotional validation from energy vampires, people who take take take, and refuse to reciprocate equally. They may praise you but it comes with a chip on the shoulder. It never feels genuine. Energy vampires are the kind of people who have their own needs to fulfill and they come with their own agenda, they come with the mask, they come with the barrier, you can't connect with someone who always want to take take take, these people who lack genuine energy, these are blocking your life, on the other side of this are people who are genuine soulmates, people who are balanced, people who are open to compromise, people who do listen to your emotional needs, people who do understand what you are going through, people who care about what you are going through, people who want to listen to what you are going through, people who are invested in your story, the good and the bad, they not only want to be there when you are successful but they want to be there when you are going through challenges as well, these people who are self sufficient, motivated, emotionally secure, still human and humble enough to admit they are emotionally available to have a genuine connection with you, these people are on the other side of the energy vampires that are literally standing in the way, people who are literally trying to clog up your energy. Spirit is trying to align you with the right people now. Acceptance and setting the intention to change is really going to have the right people coming and supporting you in a way that you deserve to be supported. You have to accept the situation for what it is and understand how people have been taking advantage of your energy, so that we can set new intentions for the right people to come in. 


9 of pentacles. 

It's time to start living for yourself. You need to gain a level of independence when it comes to your money. Taking back your control. You are successful because of your blood sweat and tears. Gain your independence. To be fully independent so that the right people can come in and support you. 


King of cups. Bottom deck energy 

You have so much to give. This love and generosity is never a bad thing to have. Unfortunately there are people in this world who really really take advantage of that. Celebrate your success by yourself and keep this beautiful sensitive generous kind  loving ambitious side of you protected for the  right people to come in. It doesn't mean you have to get better, it doesn't mean you have to get even, you don't have to stoop to their level. It's just about calling your energy back and keeping it safe for the right people when they come in. 

Closing messages for the reading - 

You're perfectly beautiful and you need the right people.

Step into your own and take your power back.

Awaken your authentic self and be true to you. Don't stoop to another person's level. 

If someone doesn't share your drive for success then it's time to cut them loose and let those spaces be filled by people who can inspire you. 

A new interest or new passion will lead you to meeting new people. That are going to be supportive. A random act of kindness to yourself could lead to finding soulmates who are going to be individually capable of supporting you. They are going to be strong enough. These energy vampire people come from a place of weakness and insecurities. Instead of celebrating your success they will try to tear you apart. 

The spirit wants you to focus on yourself. A random act of kindness to yourself will lead to a pleasant surprise. 

Turn criticism into kindness. Don't stoop to their level. Don't believe some of the hurtful things people say. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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 My personal tarot reading by an online tarot reader

You're on the up and up and up. You're in better place than what you were in 6 months ago.

You're the obstacle in your way. 

Celebrate yourself. You deserve it. 

Honest messages today. 


You guys are literally your biggest strengths and your biggest ally. No one else an possibly pull you down as much as your inner voice can. You have a lot of reasons to celebrate. You're on the up and up and up. You're definitely in a better place now than you have been recently or in the last six months. But it's a constant struggle of telling that inner voice the same narrative. You have a Hyde inside of you. You are Doctor Hyde and you have this beast called Jekyll inside you. Unfortunately at times it says things that we don't want to hear. It protects you because nobody else can possibly tear you as much as this inner voice can but there is a strong emphasis already saying that you are the obstacle in your way. The spirit is saying that you need to solidify the path that you are already on, because it is indicating that you are on the up and up and up. The reading says that you are doing everything right, you deserve to pat yourself on the back, you deserve to tell yourself that you are doing well, you deserve to take a load off , get the gremlin off your shoulder,you deserve to be told that you are doing well, you don't have any blockages per se. Your biggest blockage is appreciating your present moment, living in your present moment, lavishing the success that you presently have, your inner voice is necessary to motivate you but don't let that inner voice from stopping to celebrate your success, turn that voice down, and allow your inner child to celebrate that success 


Ten of pentacles. 


Your generosity is a barrier towards your success, because it knows no bounds. This is a difficult message to convey because we need more people like you. We need people who are generous and selfless and kind. But it is about having a healthy balance of being selfless and putting your own needs first, handouts don't help anyone. Hand outs keep people sitting down because they know that they are going to be taken care of. You have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders pertaining to family connections. Your success could be very alienating and isolating unless you help other people out. 


9 of cups 


Your happiness. 


You still put your emotional fulfillment on others at times. You can have a very good time by yourself. You still have this need for receiving emotional validation from others, recognition from others. You have a lot of reasons to be proud. You want people to recognize your achievements. You can't make people do this and the more that you want them to do this, the more you put them in a position to do that, the less genuine that recognition is going to be. You have a beautiful big heart. And when somebody is doing well, you genuinely feel excited and happy for them, so it pains you when it's not reciprocated in a balanced way but the spirit is actually encouraging you to be more self focused when it comes to your success. You don't need this much validation from others. You are doing very very well and the right people who can support you in the right ways will come once you make room for them in your life. If you insist on filling this void with people who aren't genuine about their praise, who only want rather than give,then you are not going to have what your soul truly wants, you are filling these empty spaces with people who are not worthy of your recognition that you are giving them because you're giving these people so much attention as well, these people are not bad, it's just the pattern of behaviors you have gotten yourself into with them. And the spirit is highlighting how your actions are standing in the way from you experiencing your genuine success by filling your way with literally avatars, they are just there, they are not able to genuinely connect with you in that moment, and it's not like they don't want to but it's a very forced situation. There's a lot of pressure in those moments of them trying to fulfill your expectations, and also of you to fulfill their expectations, because you have pulled them into this and insisted on having everything and nobody genuinely wins in this moment, feels like it's very empty and disconnected.

8 of pentacles. The accompanying clarifying card is 8 of torches. 


Inconsistencies when it comes to your actions and your passions.. You're very creative but you get distracted easily. You have this way of falling back on your old cycles that you know aren't going to benefit you, you're on an incredible journey forward, you're doing incredibly well, your guides are very proud of you. This reading is a confirmation of things that you already know. You have the tendency to fall backwards on old behaviors on old patterns, on old cycles that are comfortable but not helpful. It's time to start new cycles. New routines when it comes to your work ethic, and when it comes to your interests. If you are curious and interested in new passions, new interests, new hobbies in life, these are going to create new connections of people who are going to be more helpful towards what you're working on, people who you don't have to impress, people who don't want something from you, they genuinely want to be involved in that process. You are forced into this uncomfortable period of revisiting old cycles of behavior so that you can see just how unfulfilling they are. Spirit wants to test you and show you just how empty some of these old cycles were. Just how unfulfilling these old connections were. You have a lot of people that are curious about you. But no one is able to genuinely express genuine pride in your success. Your connections right now are empty. Spirit is encouraging you to celebrate yourself. To not feel the need to fill empty spaces around you with people who are needing to be paid to be there, who are bribed to be there. They should genuinely want to celebrate you and in that case you won't need to bribe them. You're in an incredibly transitional period. You are close to achieving a major manifestation. Right now what you are experiencing is the last minute bump in your road to test how far you have come and to test what cycles you are willing to come out of and what new routines you're willing to set. You will have more motivation, creativity and more inspiration the more you declutter your life and the more you declutter your energy, declutter your connections, especially, you're going to have so much more room for inspiration and so much more room for people who inspire you. If you insist on keeping people who are lacking in ambition and then you are going to fall to their level and that isn't going to help your journey, you are meant to elevate, you are meant to rise above your circumstances, as a beacon of hope and not as a target. To show other people that these dreams are possible. 


2 of cups. 


This emptiness is worth filling but you need to work on it. You are seeking emotional validation from energy vampires, people who take take take, and refuse to reciprocate equally. They may praise you but it comes with a chip on the shoulder. It never feels genuine. Energy vampires are the kind of people who have their own needs to fulfill and they come with their own agenda, they come with the mask, they come with the barrier, you can't connect with someone who always want to take take take, these people who lack genuine energy, these are blocking your life, on the other side of this are people who are genuine soulmates, people who are balanced, people who are open to compromise, people who do listen to your emotional needs, people who do understand what you are going through, people who care about what you are going through, people who want to listen to what you are going through, people who are invested in your story, the good and the bad, they not only want to be there when you are successful but they want to be there when you are going through challenges as well, these people who are self sufficient, motivated, emotionally secure, still human and humble enough to admit they are emotionally available to have a genuine connection with you, these people are on the other side of the energy vampires that are literally standing in the way, people who are literally trying to clog up your energy. Spirit is trying to align you with the right people now. Acceptance and setting the intention to change is really going to have the right people coming and supporting you in a way that you deserve to be supported. You have to accept the situation for what it is and understand how people have been taking advantage of your energy, so that we can set new intentions for the right people to come in. 


9 of pentacles. 


It's time to start living for yourself. You need to gain a level of independence when it comes to your money. Taking back your control. You are successful because of your blood sweat and tears. Gain your independence. To be fully independent so that the right people can come in and support you. 


King of cups. Bottom deck energy 


You have so much to give. This love and generosity is never a bad thing to have. Unfortunately there are people in this world who really really take advantage of that. Celebrate your success by yourself and keep this beautiful sensitive generous kind loving ambitious side of you protected for the right people to come in. It doesn't mean you have to get better, it doesn't mean you have to get even, you don't have to stoop to their level. It's just about calling your energy back and keeping it safe for the right people when they come in. 


Closing messages for the reading - 


You're perfectly beautiful and you need the right people.

Step into your own and take your power back.

Awaken your authentic self and be true to you. Don't stoop to another person's level. 

If someone doesn't share your drive for success then it's time to cut them loose and let those spaces be filled by people who can inspire you. 

A new interest or new passion will lead you to meeting new people. That are going to be supportive. A random act of kindness to yourself could lead to finding soulmates who are going to be individually capable of supporting you. They are going to be strong enough. These energy vampire people come from a place of weakness and insecurities. Instead of celebrating your success they will try to tear you apart. 

The spirit wants you to focus on yourself. A random act of kindness to yourself will lead to a pleasant surprise. 

Turn criticism into kindness. Don't stoop to their level. Don't believe some of the hurtful things people say. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India..   Just focus on consumption of knowledge.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I really needed this song. At this point. 

I deserve to be alone. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I'm trying to fix my broken self. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Support Systems. 

?❤️?❤️  Music 

?❤️?❤️ Friends 

?❤️?❤️ Youtube gurus 

?❤️?❤️ Journaling 

?❤️?❤️ Playing with rings 

?❤️?❤️ Self referencing journaling. Talking to self 

???? Drinking coffee 

???? Talking to a psychiatrist

???? Watching YouTube videos and responding to comments 

???? Journaling about sex 

???? Art

???? Watching animal videos 

???? Collage art 

???? Playing video games or just games 

???? Word salad style journaling. Highly expressive 

???? Commenting on pictures and writing poetry. 

???? Consumption of exhaustive knowledge 

???? Immersion in inanimate content. That is pure content. 

????Minimal communication with people 

???? Cooking and gardening and reading 

???? Imagining and visualization of characters 

???? Stage Red Boyfriend 

???? Collecting Romantic art and writing about love, sex and romance. 

???? Venting and ranting in journals 

???? Staying away from toxic people 

???? Doing tarot card reading on Self and listening to reading of  other Tarot on self 

???? Positive affirmations 

???? Creating themed Journals 

???? Using visualizations and imaginary friends 

???? Doing Metta meditation. Giving love. 

???? Using religion, religious systems and religious groups. Community support. 

???? Spiritual practices 

???? Using acceptance and freedom 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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48 minutes ago, Preety_India said:


I created this diagram about a support system. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Also do exhaustive personality study 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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