The Monk

Headache Preventing Productivity

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Hi guys, lately I've been having a headache, I think it's stress lated and it feels like a tight headband around the top of my head constantly stuck there, but disappears sometimes. I'm 17 and initially have to study and do work, this headache has begun to ruin my levels of productivity and, hurts even whilst studying. Tried taking breaks, but it still remains. And even if I work or study to eliminate the issues creating stress, it still remains? 

Any suggestions? :/


"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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Some five years ago, the moment I started on my spiritual journey, I instantly got a huge headache. It never left. 

Those first years I was unable to live with it. It got me depressed and I hated it with a passion. 

Now, some years (and a whole lot of meditating) later, I know it's been my greatest teacher. I can see that it's being caused by my owns stress so I'm slowly working on it. But the best part is that I'm able to live with it. Not all the time, but right now I see it as a teacher instead of an annoyance. 

Now, I'm not saying it will stay for years, this is just what happened to me. But as long as it's there, it's your best teacher. If you can learn to live with constant pain, you can live with anything. 

9 hours ago, John Flores said:

@Aamir King

The main reason for headaches might be related to not having enough oxygen sent to the brain. That spoken, try to notice your breathing and if you are habituated in taken very full breaths. I have used this technique since youth and it has eliminated headaches and twitches, especially in the eyes.

This too. Try to work on your breathing and posture. Small things like unconsciously holding the belly could be a cause of it. It's a great opportunity to get to know your own body. Get to the bottom of it so you can grow from it. Good luck!

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I'm in the same boat aswell, had it for 2 months~ and trying to solve it.

My first tip for you is to feel blessed over that this happened to you this early. It can sound harsh but the sooner we become aware of the limits of our physical/mental being, the earlier we will be aware of our fragility and optimize ourselves

To the issue

What I've read it can be a problem with your neck, have you recently hurt your neck/fallen etc? It can be a bone in your neck that is out of phase that needs to be fixed by a specialist which will solve your problem.

Other issues can be that your not breathing through your belly, try to breath deeper without controlling it, yoga etc can help with this.

Are you grounded? sitting outside by a tree and being aware of the ground can help with this. When you feel a tingeling warmth in your feets you will know that your grounded.

How's your diet? Can be that your allergic against something

Are you tense? Bellybreathing and acupuncture could help with this.

Maybe you have to much toxics inside of your body, a detox may help.

Also cardio which helps with oxcygen, keeping blood flowing.


The issues can be many but it will solve itself if you listen to your body and try to solve it :)


Good luck!

Edited by StarvinMarvin
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