
Sedona Method Lasting Release

1 post in this topic


I'm looking for people with experience in sedona method practise. I've been using the method for weeks now and I hope to achieve emotional freedom to pursue a career within music industry. Right now I'm currently sick and tired of practising and I want to be able to enjoy my practise sessions without frustration and discouragement. Everything I do seems like a must instead of something I do out of pure joy. It's a grind. When I apply the sedona method I feel more free but I have yet to feel a permanent freedom and joy in playing music - being able to sit with my instrument a whole day practising without burning out. Am I overrating the sedona method or haven't I used it enough to get rid of unpleasant feelings? I know music is the call but lately I've been strugling A LOT. 

I would love to hear some tell about the effects the methods have had on your lives but more importantly your process with the method itself.



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