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The snowball story!!

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In this story the snow represents the accumulation of societal conditioning, knowledge and experience.

Think of the sense of self/ego/me like a snowball. It starts off almost non-existent, but as it rolls down the mountain of life it collects layer upon layer of snow, getting bigger and bigger. It becomes an entity unto itself. It says 'I am here' and everything else is out there. It becomes a complex snowball full of concepts, preferences, dogmas and beliefs.

Now imagine the snowball gets curious one day about what it's made out of and looks into a mirror, but all it sees is snow. For the First Time The Snowball recognizes it was never separate from the rest of the snow, it was just a misunderstanding all along. 

The sun light reflecting off the mirror begins to loosen up the layers of snow and they begin to fall back into the side of the snowy mountain of life.

So although the snowball seemed to be a separate entity, it was just a misidentification with accumulated societal conditioning, experience and knowledge.

The snowball/sense of self/ego/me was never real to begin with, it just seemed to be like a mirage in the desert.

After the Mirage/duality is seen through there's no need to keep talking about it, as if it was once real, the snowball/ego/me/sense of self was clearly seen to have never been real from the start.

"The separation never occurred"

- A Course in Miracles

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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