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Old Wolf


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Hey guys, I overthink a lot. Be it just a normal conversation or some minor mistake in social interactions, I will usually spend the rest of the day overthinking about it. And this is also true for past trauma, I always think about it and waste huge amonunts of time on it. I think this is linked to confidence and self-esteem so maybe I could start improving in that area. Can you please give me some exercises because I tried Nathaniel Branden's random sentence strings but I didn't like them. Can you give me something else, I meditate a lot but need something to take care of more daily problems. My daily life and social interactions suffer a lot from this and I am often insecure or do dumb stuff when around people.

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@Old Wolf Keep meditating. It will shut your brain up in the long-term (calmer limbic system). Pay attention to how your body feels when you overthink, especially your head. When I overthink, my head gets stiff and warms up like an overheated computer. Feel into your body more and that can potentially balance out thought. Takes practice though. :) 

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