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Anticipating ego backlash after first enlightenment

3 posts in this topic

Yesterday "I" had my first genuine enlightenment experience.

I was two hours into a LSD trip and in the fetal position. As I gripped a bed pillow, crying in the face of sheer love, something clicked and it felt like a profound shift had taken place. The problem is, I don't remember "it" because NOTHING happened. The conventional self-sense, whatever you take that to be, dissolved into the rest of the universe, forming a complete union, which can't be seen, heard, smelt, whatever - because it is itself ! (Of course, language is dualistic so this entire description is and always will be factually misleading, because there was nothing to dissolve in the first place. "I" already am the universe.) Total mind-fuck. It shook my core and blew my whole mind apart. I get chills and goosebumps when I think about it. 

As I anticipate an ego backlash, this sequence from Despicable Me comes to mind. The pillar is the 'ego' and the man is my 'mind.' Just for laughs! :) 


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