
Learning to Be Alone

2 posts in this topic

Hello everyone, 

I strongly believe that it's important to learn  how to be alone and have a good relationship with yourself before getting  into a relationship with someone because other wise there's a risk of becoming too clingy because we're not comfortable being alone with our own thoughts and for this reason I chose to distance myself for a while from people and focus on self-care and self-development.

It seems like someone who just started talking to me is having a hard time understanding this and is acting melodramatic and victimized even though I was not rude at all and I tried to be kind and assertive.

What do you do about people who act like they are the victims in every situation no matter how nice you are to them?

Also, any tips on making the best out of my time alone? I plan on during this until end of 2020 and significantly cutting down on my social media time after that.

Has anyone here done anything similar? How did it go for you?                                                                           


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Learning how to be comfortable being alone is one of the most important things in life, as you are the only person you'll always be with no matter what is going on. Wherever you go, there you are. As they say. As depressing as it might sound you will always be alone in a sense because despite how close it's possible to get with another person you will never truly be inside their mind or spirit, you are always in yours just interpreting.

Generally to make the best of it you could be doing things that feed your soul and make you happy. Whatever that happens to be. Find out what those things are and just do them, don't let your own thoughts of others judgements or social norms dictate or hamper what those things are. If they are considered "weird" or something you shouldn't do alone. So what!

There is a lot of work to be done on the ego all the time, but if there is ever a time to embrace selfishness it's when you are alone. Instead of feeling fearful or lacking, take it as an opportunity to recharge so you can go back into the world feeling energized and healthy.

16 minutes ago, PhoenixRising2020 said:

What do you do about people who act like they are the victims in every situation no matter how nice you are to them?

I'm not sure I've encountered this a lot. When I have I am usually pretty good at being empathetic and raising them up by showing them why they don't have to fear something. It takes a certain degree of patience and the right context. You won't be able to do any convincing in a quick conversation and setting.


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