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Importance Of Your City

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I would like to hear some thoughts on this one.

Does the city that you live in matter for self-actualization?
Are there some things that my city is supposed to offer me? (of course, apart of home and a job)

What makes a great city great?

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nisargadatta lived and was enlightened in mumbai, one of the worst overpopulated, polluted, poverty-striken areas on the planet. your city does not matter.

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Technically, your environment should make no difference to your personal-development. You could live in the centre of a bustling city, or out in the peace and solitude of the countryside. You can develop yourself either way. But then it depends what sort of 'development' your doing. If you're doing more inner work then the city can be a huge distraction. On the other hand, if you're looking to obtain success and achievement then it can be conducive to live in the city.

As for what your city is 'supposed' to offer you..well it isn't supposed to offer you anything. What you require of it depends on what you are seeking.


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I changed city and the on the previous being bigger I had a lot of external motivation like supercars passing by, seeing expensive stuff all around and now I realize how much that was helping and boosting my motivation so I wonder if the city has some importance in the scheme of personal development.

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I would never speak in absolutes but I think for most of us average folks it makes a huge difference. Just imagine your environment, the people you come into contact with on any given day, and the general "vibe" or "collective consciousness" of somewhere like Boulder or San Francisco compared to a town of 300 in rural Kansas or west Virginia. To take it a step further, imagine trying to self actualize while living in Monrovia where poverty, crime, disease and death are the norm. I'm using an extreme example to illustrate my point, obviously. Being surrounded by happy, health conscious, goal orientated, truth seeking individuals will have a net positive effect on your progress IMHO. 


I should add that I have some first hand experience with this after recently moving from a small town in rural Oklahoma. 

Edited by ChimpBrain

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I would just suggest selecting your city consciously. Pick a city to live in that you enjoy. It's not mandatory, but why not live where you enjoy to live? It's kinda like watching a movie. Why watch a movie you don't want to watch?

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