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John Iverson

Career Capital & Deliberate Practice (example)

2 posts in this topic

While reading so good they can't ignore you, i have question in mind about practice,

is there a point where After reaching a certain point I should stop practicing it and move to the next skill i will be working on  Or is it a forever practice? Or should i focus on one things? If then how about other thing i could practice? Or exploring

for what i understand career capital is like this

for example i am a boxer, i deliberate practicing my strenght after a certain point then the speed then agter a certain point my lungs, after a certain point my agility after a certain point techniques so on and so fort... yea i'm improving forever but in different varieties one at a time, ... but how can i apply 10,000 in that ? Oh man make me understand this career capital better

there is an example in the book where Tice practicing his new skill for his new Tune after he acquired the new tune because of deliberate practice he can now move to the next what can you say about that example? 

Give me examples for it


Edited by John Iverson

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I don't think 10,000 hours can be applied to any type of career. Your example of a boxer, For athletes, career path is normally simple and clear. Training can be clearly defined by body parts, numbers, rankings, etc. Their everyday life can be broken down into deliberate practice from hour to hour.

But most careers are not clearly defined. You can't say Steve Jobs built his career out of a definite deliberate practice routine. 

A fine example would be Robert Greene. His career path is a typical example of "overnight success" that does not have much consistency. 

Therefore, deliberate practice can be quite helpful in developing a certain skill. But not every career is specific skill based. Most of the time, we achieve one small success to another, cultivating skills, making connections, collecting resources and experiences along the way. Some are done consciously and can be measured. Some are done unconsciously. That's why a lot of breakthroughs would come as surprise. That's serendipity at play. 

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