
Understanding Steve Bannon (Like Bernie but corrupt)

22 posts in this topic

On 8/22/2020 at 7:56 AM, Milos Uzelac said:

Could you maybe be kind to perhaps  set time later explain to me exactly how does that fallacy manifest itself in this context? Is that I am not a high enough consciousness stage of development to see these global developments and events from a contextual and bird's-eye view? If I understood correctly, if that is what you are saying? 

If I for example say that a Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple shaman is equivalent to a stage Turquoise person like Sadhguru because I see that both of them meditate, do certain spiritual rituals, talk about spirit and other things of this nature, this is a Pre-Trans fallacy. Certain stages are similar to each other in certain ways, but this can lead people to neglect their deep differences and vice versa. Orange and Red, like yellow, can understand systems at a deep level and manipulate them very skillfully. But they are NOT the same. Yellow cares about systems for the beauty and wonder of complex systems and MAY change them if it deeply believes the change will benefit the entire system. Orange and Red cares about understanding systems and learning how to manipulate them primarily for their own advancement. Bannon is criticizing certain corrupt elements of current government and society from a LOWER position on the spiral(Red/Blue) than Bernie is(solid green). Bannon only really cares about these issues so that he can destabilize the status quo and seize power as smoothly as possible, so he calls attention to these various issues and creates an argument to justify what he needs to do to get that power that he craves at his deep core. Bernie is doing it so that he and the people that are also mobilized can create a healthier and smoother functioning society. 

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On 25/08/2020 at 0:10 AM, Aspiraling Wizard said:

If I for example say that a Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple shaman is equivalent to a stage Turquoise person like Sadhguru because I see that both of them meditate, do certain spiritual rituals, talk about spirit and other things of this nature, this is a Pre-Trans fallacy. Certain stages are similar to each other in certain ways, but this can lead people to neglect their deep differences and vice versa. Orange and Red, like yellow, can understand systems at a deep level and manipulate them very skillfully. But they are NOT the same. Yellow cares about systems for the beauty and wonder of complex systems and MAY change them if it deeply believes the change will benefit the entire system. Orange and Red cares about understanding systems and learning how to manipulate them primarily for their own advancement. Bannon is criticizing certain corrupt elements of current government and society from a LOWER position on the spiral(Red/Blue) than Bernie is(solid green). Bannon only really cares about these issues so that he can destabilize the status quo and seize power as smoothly as possible, so he calls attention to these various issues and creates an argument to justify what he needs to do to get that power that he craves at his deep core. Bernie is doing it so that he and the people that are also mobilized can create a healthier and smoother functioning society. 

Thanks for taking the time to write out and elaborate on a quick explanation regarding the examples of signs and characteristics of Pre-Trans fallacy and how it usually manifests in perception and understanding in tier I spiral dynamics consciousness dominant stages.

Sorry for not answering you earlier, somehow I missed the post when accessing this forum thread in the last two days.

I thank you and I hope you are doing well. 

Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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