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Nak Khid

Feds to Withdraw from Portland

4 posts in this topic

#fedsgohome checklist

CBP: out

ICE: out

OSP: moving in

FSP present before June 2020: stay

FSP arrived in June 2020: ?

US Marshals present before June: ?

US Marshals arrived in June: ?

Surveillance of citizens: ongoing?

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So I was watching live video of the Portland protests every once in a while
they were chanting "Fuck the Police"  which is a dumb thing to chant as opposed to "Reform the Police" 

anyway I also heard the chant

" one, two, three, four,
slavery,  genocide and war,
love, six , seven, eight
America has never been great" 

I suspect this is part of a hard left Marxist element coming out of some part of the
what looks like a 75% or more amount of white protesters (although black people with megaphones do the speeches ) 


If your goal is to abolish the police, have no police then you might chant  "Fuck the Police" but if you are trying to reform 
then you come up with demands 

This, that element of the protesters, reformists have done see

Here is a detail detailed 8/1 editorial  from Portland as well as a link to the policy demands

Editorial: Let feds’ withdrawal open a new chapter in racial reckoning movement


Reimagine Oregon Policy Demands







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