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The Importance of Genetics

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I wanted to highlight the importance of understanding genetics when doing this spiritual work because it'll alleviate a lot of confusion on why you are the way you are and why there is such an expansive spectrum of people differing in their levels of capabilities. Leo has been mentioning the role of genetics quite frequently, and for good reason. I think of it as the scientific interpretation of karma. You are born with a unique genome that dictates qualities such as behavioral propensities, intelligence, physical abilities, metabolism rate, height, weight, and even your probability of success in life. It really is the blueprint of your reality. People's brains just have vastly different chemical activity and circuitry -- the majority of which are inherited. I get the sense that people downplay genetics or don't take it as seriously as they should because it shatters deep fantasies people have about how life works. It's true, people are born with a very unique set of strengths and weaknesses that can be predicted to a considerable extent by examining one's genome. It can be pretty bleak and depressing to face these truths but ultimately this will help you understand why humans operate in their unique ways. Not to mention, it's just fascinating how so many aspects of our human experience can be modeled and predicted. Of course, all sciences are highly limited models and while it may be successful at predicting various outcomes, it's ultimately consciousness that is prior to all things physical including, of course, genetics. So take that however you want. 

Here are some very interesting videos about genetics and its predictable powers in assessing characteristics such as behavior and intelligence:


Edited by Free Mind

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Something to keep in mind is the fact that our understanding of biology is NOT in the slightest hard fact. We have a very limited understanding of our own bodies from a scientific perspective, nevertheless our own brains. 

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