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Not engaging in an unconsection behaviour while having williness to do so

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In some situations I realize that I can do or refrain from doing a thing that's considered low conscious behaviour. In internet, for instance, I, being driven by jelousy, annoied by grammar mistake, how naive, stupid is or a way a person speaks, or something like it, may leave a bad comment. I may not say bad stuff directly, but indirectly - doesn't matter.

Or any other similar situation may occur where I get triggered.


In such situations, provided that I'd still be willing to commit a bad thing, even if I chose not to commit it, would it - not commiting a bad thing - help me somehow to improve as a person?


Not from the point  of view "that misdeed would return to you eventually and byte you, therefore it's nice that you've not commited it".

But from more direct point of view. I figure that whether or not I do a bad thing, as long as I'd willing to do it, it'd still be as if I did it. I just supressed my desire there's no longer a difference between "done - not done" - both are equally bad already. 

Therefore, I should focus on becoming more consicious of my motives. And not on "done - not done" thing.

Edited by rnd

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You figured it out yourself. Even if you engage in low-consciousness behaviour consciously, you can still grow.

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