Mota fati

Fake or actual growth ?

4 posts in this topic

Hey Leo, I'm glad ur back and ur shearing this amazing stuffs with us. I really appreciate it tho sometimes u say some funny crazy stuffs, and I respect where ur coming with that.
I have a question: I never tried any kind of psychedelics, I only had "hachich" (a Moroccan substance similar to weed and it's effects). I'm not sure if I can call those times I've smoked it trips, but it makes me think and helps me come up with alot of ideas that u happen to share on ur YouTube channel. 
It feels great to find someone who can talk about these kind of stuffs. Now everything u say in ur videos make sense to me and by each "trip" I find myself accepting everything u say and move so quickly to new ideas which u end up talking about in other videos and it's so fascinating but also suspiciously fast.
How do I know I'm not tricking myself into fake growth and I am actually benefiting from ur content?
Thank you for ur work again ❤️

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21 hours ago, Mota fati said:

by each "trip" I find myself accepting everything u say and move so quickly to new ideas

Is that a good thing? Keep in mind that it is important to have critical thinking!


21 hours ago, Mota fati said:

How do I know I'm not tricking myself into fake growth and I am actually benefiting from ur content?

I know you didn't ask, but I think you are indeed tricking yourself.

one day this will all be memories

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Sometimes we replace our previous beliefs with more beliefs , and we dont even realize it. Meaning that you might think you are freeing yourself from the ego when in fact you are attaching more to it. 

You will eventually know if you are taking this new knowledge as dogma, just be mindful of how emotional you get in a discussion (about those stuff). Or the opposite, how relieved you feel when someone is agreeing with you. 

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