
Am I doing self-inquiry right? Are my insights legitimate?

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Hey everyone! So about a week ago I found Leo's videos on YouTube. One specific video I watched was how to do self-inquiry. I've started a daily meditation and self-inquiry practice. Yesterday, while doing self-inquiry, I feel as though I had an insight. What I discovered was that awareness is infinite (I'm aware that I'm aware, therefore I'm aware that I'm aware that I'm aware. And this goes on and on infinitely). I was excited by this, so I continued self-inquiry. A few minutes later I had an insight that my being was simply awareness itself, and everyone is actually just awareness itself. These insights seem legitimate to me but I remember Leo saying don't try to describe it with words, which I obviously just did. So my question is, is that really an insight? Thanks in advance!   

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Yes, those insights are legit. In terms of overly conceptualizing you observe the energetics. What was the energetic orientation of the explanation? Was it a direct experience of implicit knowing trying to express itself explicitly? Or was it the mind trying to create concepts to figure out “what it is” and “what it’s like”? Neither is inherently bad, yet self inquiry is more about having the implicit revealed. Yet the mind has a tendency of taking ownership of implicit understanding and conceptualizing it. Again, nothing wrong with that - it’s just down a different route. 

For example, realization of a detached observer aware of itself and all things is a nice realization. Yet was the realization revealed in direct experience leading to a sense of “OMG!! What just happened? There are no words. I don’t know how to explain it. It was sorta like I was an observer. Yet that’s not quite right, because it wasn’t “me” observing, yet it sorta was me. I just can’t find the words to describe it”. Ime, that’s what it looks like when implicit understanding through ineffable direct experience is trying it’s best to explain itself through language. That is a very different orientation than a mind trying to figure it out like “I watched a Rupert Spira video about some observer. I wonder what that’s like. He said it felt kinda like this. Maybe there is an observer of an observer. Maybe the observers go on into infinity”. That is trying to figure out an unrealized direct experience of implicit knowing through explicit figuring it out. It won’t work very well. . . . I would also be mindful of the mind contextualizing a realization as an “experience” and taking ownership of it. For example, a direct experience of an attached observer. The ego can enter, take ownership and identify as “I am the observer. This is so cool. I’ve elevated several spiritual levels”. This is conflation between the “i am” and the “I AM”. The mind can be super sneaky. 

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