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Wisdom of Life

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Leo's recent video really got me emotional and thinking more about consciousness in general. 

Trying to improve and expand my consciousness. 

Getting deeper into it. 

Also Leo talks about Mahasamaadhi. I want to look deeper into it. 

Thanks Leo for today's video. Made a lot of difference. 





INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 19/04/2020 at 7:44 PM, Preety_India said:

Leo's recent video really got me emotional and thinking more about consciousness in general. 

Trying to improve and expand my consciousness. 

Getting deeper into it. 

Also Leo talks about Mahasamaadhi. I want to look deeper into it. 

Thanks Leo for today's video. Made a lot of difference. 





@Preety_India I agree, this was an amazing one wasn't it. I feel like I've had a shift in consciousness just from watching it. Maybe it had something to do with how authentic and emotional Leo was. 

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1 minute ago, Wisebaxter said:

@Preety_India I agree, this was an amazing one wasn't it. I feel like I've had a shift in consciousness just from watching it. Maybe it had something to do with how authentic and emotional Leo was. 

Yep. He was really having a life changing experience. I was so moved by watching it, I almost had tears and crying towards the end of it. 

It was pure authenticity. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India I've never seen Leo so emotional in a video. You know what, I think it was love. That was the thing that got me. It wasn't just any emotion, you could tell he was just completely in awe of the love he'd experienced and feeling it again

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Exactly. He had an awakening of pure love. His face looked bright with love. It's almost like the angel of love had visited him



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Luck is a real natural phenomenon and I do believe in bad luck. This could have spiritual implications stuff like past karma, people have suffered generational curses. 

I think certain events people or things can change your luck from good to bad or bad to good. 

I believe in good and evil spirits. So maybe the good spirits bring on that luck. 

Also I've noticed that celebrities do a ton of things to get good luck like numerology, going to certain temples, have a circle of therapists and advisors, buying things, doing rituals etc. 

Now there's a difference. In Eastern traditions we generally have temples and statues like you may have heard of the laughing Buddha or Feng Shui Cat, buying that is supposed to bring good luck. Some people in Asia maintain arowana fish for luck. These are considered positive practices where the person who does them is somehow in touch with a good spirit watching over him. These good spirits want him to be prosperous in life. 

Now there is a strange problem here. In most Asian countries including mine, prosperity itself is considered noble and good and associated with goodness and a mark of being a good person. This is kinda dubious because most people who get rich become rich by scrupulous ways and aren't the best people when it comes to morals. So it's not bit funny and ironic to assume that wealth and prosperity is a symbol of goodness or moral highness. So how can acquisition of wealth be considered a pursuit of morality? 

Now switch to the western side which is mostly influenced by the Abrahamic religions. In these cultures (I'm not sure about Jewish), the worship of wealth is considered bad since biblical times. Prosperity gospel has tried to change it a bit and now a lot of motivational speakers in the west talk about how you should attract wealth by having a pro wealth mentality. But traditionally in western culture, money is considered a source of evil. So there is a general contempt shown to anyone who is prosperous or hoarding a lot of wealth. This is has impacted how the west views their wealthy elite and celebrities. In Asian and Eastern cultures, we tend to respect and think of celebrities in high regard as the totems of leadership and values and success, so someone like Bill Gates or any of the capitalists enjoy a lot of popularity here, they get worshipped like Gods for their success, people buy their books and look up to them, however in the west, these highly successful capitalists get frowned on, get picked on on social media and get resented by the general public as exploiters and vultures of society. Capitalists can be ruthless in their ambition and actually damage society for their personal gain, think of all the capitalists who sell addictive products to make money. The western public exposes them for who they are. Yet here in the East we worship them. 

Now. This attitude in the western world has also influenced how they perceive the acquisition of wealth and success. Most people link it to a satanic practice. So if something supposedly brings good luck like a ritual or temple or visiting a place, it's not considered good, it's considered to be a mark of the beast, and phrases such as "sold the soul to the devil to get success" are often used and the term illuminati is used while referring to ultra rich celebrities, that they must have engaged in a pact with the devil in a satanic ritual and in return the devil decided to favor them with success and wealth. This is very different from how things are perceived in the East. In the East if something is considered positive, in the West it's considered creepy.. 

It's fascinating to observe how mystical views on wealth and success drift to extreme ends of the spectrum in the East and the West. 

This could also explain why in the West, they don't talk about luck very loosely because they don't want to look morally corrupt or suspicious in some way, using the term hard work looks more sublime and innocent and palatable to the western public and using the word luck could mean something sinister. 

Whereas in Asian countries, (it's funny), because if someone used the term luck, people would jump with joy and not have any skepticism towards it. 

These mystical or moral beliefs rooted in the moral tapestry of each society can have significant influence on how luck or hard work or wealth/success is viewed and talked about and cultural perceptions can hugely alter the tone of conversation. For example, a western man on a public stage will be less likely to talk about wealth since he is aware of how he will be perceived, this will make him reluctant since in every society we always try to align to social values because it makes us look good or acceptable and moral in the eyes of that society, so he will try his best to look good in the eyes of the audience and thus his tone of the discussion will be significantly different from an Asian giving a speech on wealth on the same stage. 

So yeah, cultural/moral /mystical perspectives do matter a lot when such things are discussed. It's like a fine line of sensibilities.

Since I converted to Christianity from Hinduism, I constantly deal with the duality of perspective in the East and the West and the subtle cultural differences that create this matrix of diametrically opposite perspectives. 

From a personal perspective, I believe in both hard work and luck. But I don't consider wealth or a success as a sign of moral high ground or even spirituality. In fact whenever I think of wealth and success it seems like I'm walking away from spirituality. 

Since I converted to the western side of things, (not trying to be moralistic or condescending to the eastern side in any way), the western outlook on such matters looks more logical to me. 


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