
Sam Harris fail

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I remember watching this debate many years ago when I was an edgy teenage atheist, and of course Sam Harris was my idol, and I thought he absolutely destroyed William Lane Craig in the debate. Looking back at it now, it's actually hilarious how wrong I was. Firstly, during the second round, Harris completely abandoned the debate topic and went full activist mode: just bringing up the most edgy points to put religion in a bad light. Secondly, he used his philosophy of well-being to present many of his points in the first round, and Craig actually gave very strong points against it, but of course Harris never addressed those points. This should be a collective embarrasment for atheists: the fact that Craig actually wanted to engage Harris' points in a formal debate format, but Harris just totally derailed it into an activist shouting match.

I just felt like sharing this here, because I find it quite interesting how blindly I was following the atheistic doctrine. Maybe some people in here have the same experience.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson used to be my idol, my admiration of him was mostly a reaction against stage blue/red.

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