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Stage Teal/Coral

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This is perhaps the worst model of Coral out of all the ones I've come across over the years. I came across his material a few years ago.

I highly advise against listening to this man, especially on matters relating to development.


There are many more developmental models out there, I would recommend looking into models other than Spiral Dynamics if you're interested in stages beyond Turquoise.

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@Thewritersunion I'll transcribe my reply to your private message here:


There really is no problem with Spiral Dynamics, it's a fantastic model.

I suggest looking into other models, because the people who "own" Spiral Dynamics (Beck and Cowan, I believe) have more interest in macro societal and systemic manifestations, and things along those lines that make Spiral Dynamics a more practical model for most people.

There's a good reason Coral, even though it clearly exists, is still not a part of the official Spiral Dynamics model. These people know what they're dealing with and they're not interested in it, for now at least.

If you look into the history of these models, Ken Wilber for example, had many disagreements with Don Beck, after Wilber went through stages of Enlightenment/Awakening. (Google and read a paper titled "A brief history of Spiral Dynamics" by Albion M. Butters for more on this.)

Basically, to put it bluntly, it's not really possible to develop through and beyond Turquoise without having some genuine Awakening of Consciousness.

If you're most interested in Consciousness and advanced human development specifically, Spiral Dynamics is not where to look.


43 minutes ago, Thewritersunion said:

like what?

Look into Carole Griggs and Ted Strauss's model.

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