Eren Eeager

How to watch leo videos on nonduality.

1 post in this topic

Ok I will explain this simple method that I noticed it helped me a lot.

1) start watching the video

2) leo now is explaining this fact that you heard a lot from him, now the first trap is continuing watching the video tricking your self that you understand what leo says. Notice how you don't really understand that.

3) pause the video

4) write what you liked in a short note, just a single statment

5) start thinking and contemplating deeply and appreciating what really leo says

6) keep contemplating untill you reach the bottom of you current ability to contemplate, you will know it when you reach it

7) start the video again and repeat all of the above.

* Watching a single video of leo videos will take many hours doing this method but you feel the difference and how silly you were thinking you were getting what really says.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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