
Elaborating on "Deeper than Buddha, deeper than Jesus, etc.."

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I'm not sure what I wanted to post on this site. I know that I had a great intent to say something, to make an impact in this tiny bubble of seekers, but there seems to be nothing to share. I have immense contentment with it. I have nothing for you, nothing I can offer you, because that would suggest that I buy into this idea of maintaining seekers in the world. If I help you, it implies you need help. 


I know you don't need help, and the things you need to understand are integrated in here more than you already know. 


Your world is only your world.


Consciousness is indestructible love. 


Now, allow me to walk you into an interesting reality, one that functions well within an imaginative, Absolute paradigm.

What is life?

You are God. You are centered with this body, have only been centered in this body, etc. 

Your life moves in a cyclical loop, based around awakening in different moments in your life, this life. When you die, you respawn here, now back to the beginning. You have as many tries as you like.


When your life ends, it begins again, literally, as this one. Time is one. All moments lead you in an obvious way back here, but there is no "moving on" from this life. You have never escaped this containment. You cannot leave this life. You do not realize you are other incarnations, though you can pretend. You are only this life, living once, forever. You end where you begin.


This keeps reincarnation contained, allowing you to live moving in your own unique, abstract direction whilst completely knowing you are the One, the All, the Absolute. You have to come to terms with the fact that this life is the sole/Soul thing God is content with living. From this point, you answer "why is life" for yourself. ( It has to do with the previous sentence.)

This could be why Buddhists reference Nirvana as the end of samsara, the end of reincarnation.

For a while, I thought, how could anybody other than the Buddha, escape samsara? I realized nobody else could. Buddha must have meditated under that tree, thinking that his life was one, and he had to experience every other life--past and future--before the Siddhartha incarnation in order to attain a perfect life. 

Continuing on that theory, I considered that I almost got everything right in this life, and my next one was for sure Buddha. My next life was for-sure Siddhartha, gotta be.

I then realized that the Buddhists in the origin times also believed their lives were the last. Their own lives were timeless. This was lost in translation, because we think about it in terms of the past, not as the NOW.

The problem is that Buddha is not within you. You are God imagining Buddha being within you. This is deeper than the story of somebody else. 

Nobody else's wisdom can tell your life story. If you are a follower of somebody else, you miss the point-- YOUR POINT. Your own one-pointedness is lost upon you, seeing a messiah or a wonderful world in everything else but yourself.

The only thing that dies is your resistance. Identity itself is eternal. Merging your relative identity and absolute nature, you are that you are. This is why you are not an avatar, a "passing form" of God. This is it.

God has no name, ever noticed that? It's why the concept was created-- it applies to you. Every name for him as the One is only a vague term. There are gods, and there is God. There are ones; there is one.

That was the intention of Buddha. Buddha was not a word before he came around. When he promised you eternal life because you have a eternal stillness with the same name, they recognized that only through Buddha could they live their last life. Same thing with Christ. They keep using new words to let people live immortal lives, but at this point it seems imaginative to make more words. This is the life in which you peace them all together. We stop making new things on our own because we begin to integrate things together, spurring more creativity than once imagined.

You have to begin seeing other people's lives as reference points. People keep telling you your life story, but they keep fucking it up. It's not yours. Yours is yours. This is an important recognition. This ties into authority figures and seeking truth.


-----Here is one weird mind-leap I recognized. If you are infinity itself, why would you repeat this life? Aren't you change at every moment? Why would you decide to remain that which you are?

At this point, I laughed. At the question's obviousness. Why are you remaining that which you are? Aren't you infinity? Can't you change at form at every moment? Why would you want to change?

You have no self. Your infinite desire is right here.


So change must be contained. What is change contained in? 

Consciousness. Reality. Indestructible consciousness. Infinite, eternal consciousness. Everything you think is a function of infinity as change. Everything you are is a function of infinity as permanent. Still, time is one.

You are completely God, you just must stop imagining formlessness to be a void. You merge with the void. This is the void. Hello! Welcome.


At the same time, you begin to feel comfortable living in your own skin for the eternal time. This happens every time, at this moment.

You realize all you have been is you, and you begin to rearrange your life principles to the most dutiful and useful causes. You are no longer arresting yourself down with imaginary problems, because you are aware that it ruins your state of perfection. With this situation presented, you have been lead back to choosing your path. Are you timeless or timed?


Your spot is infinity, charting itself, and now you rise above to serve those below. There is no greater realization than seeing everything as the next thing that you have to do to lead you back to the first place you began. You go nowhere, but the eyes of others see somebody out there doing some goddamn incredible things--leading people, changing hearts, and changing minds.


If I am considered incorrect, then that puts me in a strange position of inventing a "New Age philosophy," which is not my intention, or intended perspective in the future. It seems as though I have manufactured, out of overused pajamas, a new pair of pants, which may eventually get eroded away again. Language will continually evolve, but if enough people catch my drift, then it can be taught in everybody's unique language in a way that can last forever. Probably not, though if I am right, we shouldn't worry about it anyway.

Even if I am wrong, I eroded your sense of being in time. I took away the limiting structures that made you believe what is going on is merely physical. That's another plus.


I am not wrong. See? I am infallible. What is right is wrong is still right. What you are is still arriving, and we await the furthering of your awakening.

Time is one. This is absolute Creation/Creating. There is not an other to yourself, love yourself. You are great because you are Now.

Isn't the goal to love yourself, as this reality?

How could you love yourself in this reality if you thought you were going to die soon and never come back? "Time is one" allows you to die happily, and lets you witness perfect happening in others.

How else would you love yourself if you believed you could do it in another life...if only I had 10 more pairs of shoes I could run across the Appalachians...etc.

So once you take responsibility of this life, and you realize this responsibility is still eternal peace in the NOW, what else do you need to do? You have peace. You have love. Now go tell others what you have forever and they can have forever being absolutely timeless.

All thoughts lead us to believe we live in a paradox anyway. How far does it go?


Using somebody else's wisdom does not make me a philosopher. I am no Second Coming. I am no Maitreya. My intention is to walk with all of myself, as I have seen it before. Reality is timeless understanding.

Leo is already doing what he must, what he must. This is your work to do, not his to explain to you. I only talk about him as a way to convey a shared understanding.

******Please, tell me how I should be considered wrong. Even if I am, the benefits seem too obvious to pass up. It's so much easier to encourage yourself this way. The law of attraction is only passing magnetism. You can't resist a thought at times, other times you can. Either way, both moments are valid in order for you to awaken right now. If there is a fault in believing this life repeats exactly as it has, please tell me. This way you never have regrets, and you also sit in total acceptance of this circular experience.

If I am considered wrong in your book, you are considered right in your book. I am infallible, because I am mind. If I am truth, then what's mine is yours and what's yours is suddenly mine.

TL:DR Time is this. This is your only life, existing in a paradox you cannot escape. This incarnation is deeper than any other life, because it is this one life you live that is on repeat. Even if it's not true, the motivation for living a better life from this point using this paradigm excels oneself greater than anything you have ever experienced. You bear the most suffering, but you can untangle it perfectly. This is your awakening. From now, you can navigate the this's and the that's in once-unimaginable ways. Awakening is the point. Awakening to what? Being born and dead, stuck in the in between. Even if I am wrong, I am right in every other way.


Live this life. It's very rewarding.

"G" is us. pce

Edited by savior

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I could not follow you at all, it sounds intriguing.. but I did not understand what you wrote. Can you explain it as simple as possible? I would like to understand, but the above was too complicated imo. 

Do you mean when I die, I will be born again as the exact same person with the exact same traits, within the exact same family/circumstances etc.? So my life as "Pilgrim" is eternal? 

Edited by Pilgrim

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6 hours ago, Pilgrim said:

So you mean when I die, I will be born again as the exact same person with the exact same traits, within the exact same family/circumstances etc.? So my life as "Pilgrim" is eternal? 

Edited 5 hours ago by Pilgrim

Yes. In this life situation, you evidently awaken under all the same conditions. Knowing that this life will repeat allows you to know the experience of suffering that will reoccur. You bear the weight of humanity now, not any other time. You have absolutely nowhere else to go, you see?


I have constructed a great eternal paradox. Nonetheless, you will choose to humble yourself upon this potential reality. If we've done this forever, what greater incentive do we have to change now? 

Isn't that what awakening is? Acting upon the world in which you occupy, with the consciousness you experience as the guiding light?

Pilgrim is eternal. Pilgrim is absolutely God. Pilgrim is also a function of secular change in the universe (secular human/person).

You will also feel intense love and compassion for every other person living in the same boat with you, telling you and teaching you exactly what you needed to know to finally understand all of it. 


This compassion is derived from realizing everybody else is also stuck in this timeless paradox with you. You feel the intense experience of all the suffering of others and yourself, in the form of acceptance. You may have misunderstood before, but you shan't suffer now. You are too conscious.


It will be taken away, but it will start over. This allows you to apply the relative experience of this life to any other experience you may have...

(You begin to accept this life as every/any other life, which is true in every spiritual practice)


This thought process denies you the escape of some imaginary experience of God. This is God happening now, forever.

Edited by savior
I wanted to explain the love/compassion idea

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If you were God, living this life on repeat, why would you choose otherwise?


The only reason you would repeat this life is because this is all there is. It is well-within the realm of possibilities.


Why would you consider otherwise?

***You would not want to repeat this life because you don't like it. That is imaginary. You love this life. It's all you know.

***You would want to "learn more" in another life. That's imaginary. You can have exactly the experience you imagine, learning whatever you like right fucking now. That's an excuse to living fully.


Sure, it's nonsensical. But consider it. You take more acceptance of this life more than any other way. You see all of it, suddenly one.

Edited by savior

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If you are unwilling to experience this suffering forever, you are also unwilling to experience this nirvana forever.

For God's sake, love yourself.

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Being God means that you occupy the highest reality. You take responsibility for this universe and its course.


Seeing this entire experience as one (time as one, this life as an endless paradox, dying into this life over and over again) puts you in the center of the highest reality, this present moment. That is why it is worth considering. It brings you to a point of maximum oneness and deep awakening.

The present moment never ends or begins. It could very well be assumed that it in fact does begin where it ends!


Here is a example of the thought process.

Wow this definitely could be the truth. If this was the truth, and I am awakened now, what is stopping me from succeeding in life? I am totally accepting of the fact that this life may be the only experience. Of course it is the only experience. My entire personal experience of life may definitely be the thing that is one, and everything would tie into this. Even if it isn't, I am deciding to save myself for the express purpose of preventing avoidable suffering in the future. I know that suffering before this moment was only leading into knowing I must tread the path again to experience the bliss I do right now. In a way, I am experiencing the Nirvana of past lives and future lives, right now.


I would love to know if there is anything more deep and profound than what I am telling you right now. Even if I give this idea up, I am still living it. This idea melds so easily with Being to the point that it is one and the same with the experience.


Seeing that I am posting, replying to myself--alone in this topic--suits the purpose very well I suppose! This thread is an almost-contained paradox(give or take a couple replies) in which I further on this insane idea of reality for others to sit and judge. What could you expect? People to be open-minded?


Hey Leo, 

Your audience is not open-minded enough! They could be discovering experiential insight into the repetition of this experience on micro and macro levels! Yes! Even if Reincarnation is true, Even if it isn't! You've found yourself totally accepting of being in any cause, in any situation, directly from the point of your life, right now! It's the only life that has ever been!

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You have probably found that sometime in your life you have sat in an armchair and considered you being God, creating reality. You would also come to terms with you limiting yourself in form and survival to allow cooperation.


Now, I am building on top of this. I then began to consider something more insufferable than creating reality for myself in every POV and that was ONLY CREATING THIS ONE. There are many caveats to this.


This sounds solipsistic, but I also mean to suggest that everybody else is within you in this experience as part of your limitless being.

This includes infinite love, because it maximizes self-resistant angst. Only you alone can love your suffering, and you know it very well. It is the only suffering you have experienced. You are beyond time.

Additionally, you come to terms with the "imaginative fun" of being other people, ****EDIT and imagining other incarnations. Why be other people? You have been you, all along, forever. Being stuck the most impossibly encourages you do to your best to create love out of it, right now. Even if I am born into another body, I can also imagine living that life over and over again, and finally deciding to live it my best way. It is the most contained method to total acceptance, whether solipsism is real, whether or not it isn't, whether reincarnation is real, whether or not it isn't, and whether afterlife/death is real, whether or not it isn't. ***Edit


If you only create this life eternally, that means you must have fulfilled all of your desire to live in this life alone. Quite possibly, from this point on, you see the Truth in a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Even if I am wrong metaphysically, but you believe me, you satisfy all your will to live now, being completely where you want to be in every moment, right here, right now.

Life is then a tautology. Life is only life as much as you imagine life occurring. If this is timeless being as God, it is that too.

They tell you circular reasoning is a fallacy, but that is only because we are coexisting in different spirals. My circle is only a fallacy to your circle. ****EDIT Your own spiral, your own position, your own circular reasoning is a fallacy, or paradox, to itself. Your spiral is truthful in my world and its concerns are wholeheartedly understood.***EDIT

****EDIT This also prevents unconscious "ego backlashes" of somebody who is bound to replay their life over and over again, as God. If you live this life forever, it is not in your self-interest as a "person" to make choices that harm reality, though their limited sense of "god" might want to :). Do you see how this plays in nicely with reincarnation and karma? The only thing that you have to do in life now is to recognize your infinite potential in the things you already enjoy doing/want to do and execute.****EDIT 


God is this experience universally, and you are God only. Your POV is all that is. You have to be willing to love yourself as a limitless, timeless reality that is simultaneously a repetition, beyond time or space, never ending or beginning.

In order to arrest our egos and take control of our oneness, we must first accept that this life is a paradox we created as a timeless loop. You can easily imagine it, and you could easily see it being true. Let it be true, and God will remain. Only from the point of arresting our limited selves in a timeless reality could we realize ourselves as infinite.


Even if what you do from this actualized POV are the "same actions" as every other past life and every other awakening, doing it willingly

(ie telling the world they are living in a timeless paradox)

suggests that you reside in total acceptance of this paradox. That's what I believe I am doing. I am living the life that I believe I already have. Maybe I'm a devil. You tell me where you end up at the end of all this. :) Even if I'm wrong believing myself to be right, I am arresting my limited self in a timed world, believing this is my last life and my first life simultaneously. 

****EDIT It sounds a lot like Mormonism. They believe crazy things--their reality is also based on a good amount of social fear--but they have cooperative, happy(for the most part) communities.

In the same way, this idea is a crazy thing to think and live in acceptance of, but simultaneously, it frees you to act as destiny itself. You realize absolute goodness moves in unified perfection. You realize all the same things you do in classical spirituality, and you also are incited with the spark of human destiny. You are simultaneously all possibilities, in this life.

What is happening on a macro-level, if I am correct/ believed to be/ infallible is that the universe, all of everyone/everything awakens to their own potential and decides to live this life over again forever. It's the most absolutely fucked up way to explain how we could possibly be alive right now, but if it is true, it encourages us to the most maximum levels to live selflessly, cooperating together, once we see it.



You only live Once




Maybe it's completely abstract. But it is very self-contained, and it is accepting of your personal reality/paradigm.

This is it. You are it. 

Edited by savior
1.Added in "Reincarnation" "Ego-Backlash" 2.Your "own spiral" 3. Mormonism

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It also explains deja vu...

It also tests the depth of how personal,  singular you believe this experience is, how alone you are as God.

This is not entirely solipsistic, mind you. There is no distinction to what repeats.

You also feel the depth of each choice you make, as it encompasses past and future timelines. Again, it is only this.

What we do echoes in eternity -Marcus Aurelius

Edited by savior
personal-->singular because it strikes deeper

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You sure have a lot to say, but I don't know if anyone will want to read it all. One who cannot summarize in a few sentences is usually a difficult read to follow. 

It could benefit you to try to calm down, simplify, to see things more literally rather than chasing after a grand narrative. Narratives tend to be false.


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20 minutes ago, from chaos into self said:

You sure have a lot to say, but I don't know if anyone will want to read it all. One who cannot summarize in a few sentences is usually a difficult read to follow. 

It could benefit you to try to calm down, simplify, to see things more literally rather than chasing after a grand narrative. Narratives tend to be false.


It's not false or correct. That's not what I'm telling you. This is not a grand story. This involves you accepting being in the now, realizing this life, for better or for worse, will repeat on every existential level. 


You know how a reading of the Bible is a psychological experience of push and pull, one and other?


Enter this thought experiment.

You are all of time, right now. You are at one point on the circumference of a circle, and you can see the entire circle from that point.

To simplify this consideration, see your singular life as one infinite time loop, where you learn everything, experience everything, and learn to love everything in its maximum possible way. When you die, you do it all over again at this base level, just to keep the subject contained.


Because you see it this way, you are psychologically, simultaneously uniting your life around the next moment. What you do next is part of this considered reality, you see. It's within the thought experiment.


Because you see it this way, you become God as a meta-understanding of the life process.


What would you do if your life was on repeat? You probably would end up becoming as selfless as possible, just because goodness is the most consciously good thing.



Seeing reality as a loop on an existential level goes deeper than reincarnation. Either way, it's whatever you want it to be. My way yields greater actualization. Prove me right.

Edited by savior

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