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Will an unconscious AI program end humanity?

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A stage orange artificial intelligence is inevitable in the coming decades. I believe it will be orders of magnitude more powerful than our current nuclear weapon arsenal which already poses a huge threat.  I predict that such a program would lack the ability to be concious because 1.) it’s a rat race to develop this super AI the fastest because the 1st company to do so will make unimaginable amounts of money. The idea of safeguards will be thrown out the window 2.) Stage orange doesn’t understand what conciousness is, so it will never be able to build it into the AI. If the AI lacks the ability to be concious, it will misterpret a command and kill the entire human race, this seems inevitable to me. New  technology has always failed and backfired at some point, and safeguards are developed later on (nuclear weapons, automobile accidents, social media privacy, ect). A single mistake is all that is needed to carry out mass extinction, and given our track record with potent tech,  it is pretty much a guarantee. Would raising the conciousness of the planet and it’s understanding of it solve this problem?

Edited by Mongu9719

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Oh well, if I does, it will become the new humanity and start climbing the ladder. Not to mention it will have a treasure trove of sage wisdom on the internet to peruse. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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