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Pacific Sage

Placebo - Power of the subconscious mind

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One of the most interesting topic of psychology is placebo for me and how the mind convinces the reality with the conviction of an idea! Please enlighten us with your deep research skills, the intricacies of Placebos.

Interesting story of placebo narrated from my Friend back in college nearly 8 years ago which changed my reality -

A prisoner who is sentenced to death is programmed everyday for a prolonged duration that the prisoner on a certain date and a certain time will be given a solution with poison and that solution will kill him. And when the day approaches the prisoner is actually given a solution with just sugar and the prisoner actually dies of it. Not sure of the authenticity of the story but it was interesting at that time.

Every pharmaceutical research deals with placebo for a reason and it's very interesting how just the idea of taking a pill actually cures a disease even if it's a fake pill astounds me till date. 

Also please give us examples like affirmation and so on which help us and other "Placebos" like social conditioning which is harming us.


Edited by Pacific Sage

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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Yeah, a placebo rant or something would be pretty cool

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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