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Don't get your hopes up, Bernie (and Pete) are secret society plants

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Bernie has an absurd darwinian immigration policy where academic knowledge will allow you to stay in the US while not having "academic knowledge useful to us especially in STEM" will make it harder for you to enter the US, so he will keep Trump's policy with the outrageous stuff cut. Also medicare for all and other stuff wouldn't pass. (needless to say the secret society will also limit him) And Pete would have largely the same policies as Trump. Trump will CRUSH the upcoming election very easily unless the secret society wants otherwise, and they could be doing so, currently the candidate I'd bet on is absolutely Pete.

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Not to mention, all Bernie will do for you if you don't have gigantic medical debt or are going to college is raise your taxes further.

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21 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

'Secret Society'? This place is not a board where you can post conspiracy theories.


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Conspiracy theories are against Forum Guidelines.

User @wagnereater has been banned since his history of posts shows that he is not here to learn or do the work.

I will be cracking down more on people who are just here to troll, mouth off, or spread ideology. Show me that you are doing the work.

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