
question about life purpose course

3 posts in this topic

The value passion: Isn‘t the whole point of the LPC to discover your passion? It seems self-evident to put that in, but I don‘t want one slot to be wasted. 

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Your biggest value is like the most important thing to you, something completely reverse to your ego and something that resonates deeply with your soul. 

That's why it's not that easy to find, but finding it will give your life the direction that you need and will give your whole life meaning, it's like you will understand yourself on the core level.

Let me give you an example - I'm an adult alcoholic child, my whole life I was afraid of "getting out there" and being extraverted, opened, loud, whatever you want to name it. My ego is like - stay there, hide, you can get hurt if you'll expose your authentic self to the world and something bad can happen to you (aka survival mechanism).

And my deepest and most imporant value is freedom. I want to travel the world, get abundance with women and money, start a YouTube channel, show myself to the world. 

Finding your biggest value is like finding yourself, finding your soul, so yeah, it's REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT xD 

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@28 cm unbuffed Love your answer, feeling the freedom part, but the point of your career is passion, right?

I mean yes, the floor is indeed made out of floor

Edited by LoveandPurpose

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