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Does your consciousness or your emotions effect your diet?

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I don't mean whether your diet effects your consciousness but the other way around. For example I watched a video about the "Lions diet" where you basically consume a lot of meat and it is healthy for people who suffer from immune diseases (at least from what I can tell, I just watched one video about it 10mins ago). And I thought that maybe Mikhaila Peterson (who made this video) might have these autoimmune diseases because she is so fixated on the dominance hierachie etc. that this maybe caused her body to release all kinds of substances that lead to her having to eat flesh or else her body rejects the food. Of course everybody is effected by the dominance hierachie which she is talking about (or basically all the ape stuff) but for everybody else it's rather under the surface and with Jordan Peterson as her father he propably taught her about all this stuff that he studied and so for her this was always on the surface and maybe effected all this within her.

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For me it seems to... the lighter my mind’s become (less thoughts, less judgements, more self acceptance and self love, more gratitude, more joy, etc.) the less food I want to eat... my bodyfat has gone down and I dont feel as hungry. It’s like I naturally feel the need to fast. This change has been completely involuntary though but it feels like as my baseline consciousness changes, it has been reflected in the way my body wants to fuel itself. 

Also Im vegan and feel 0 need or craving for meat or diary. I feel like my body responds very well to high vegetable and high fruit diet. I also focus on protein intake too though, just non animal sources obviously. 

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